More threads by Biiip



I'm Biiip.
I'm new to that forum. :)

I am from France, and i'd like to improve My English here.

I hope you will understand me (I hope I will understand you too :D ).
And please forgive me if I made much mistakes (If you could correct me, it would help me).

I am allready registered on other forums about psychology, but French ones of course.

I am here also to have more news about certain subjects, of which I feel concern.

See you soon. :cool:

Ha, just another thing:
Here It's a quarter to five in the afternoon, and the sun shines. :vroom:


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Biiip :welcome: to Psychlinks!

Your English is very good. You did very well on your post.

Glad you joined us.

Here it is 2pm and it is very humid and warm :(


Hello Biiip!

Welcome to Psychlinks. Although all discussions on Psychlinks are in English, we do have some French members, and being based in Canada, we are accustomed to reading English with French flavor.

Feel free to join in any Forum discussion or start some of your own.

Biiip said:
I am here also to have more news about certain subjects, of which I feel concern.

What are the subjects that interest you, and about which you have concerns?


Thank you all for your sympathetic welcome messages. :thankyou2:

For now, I am quite interested in bipolar disorders and borderline personality disorders.
I have already read many documents on these subjects
(most of them were canadian ones, even if written in french). :2thumbs:

I particularly look forward for non-medicines articles. :coffee:

Good night :)
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