More threads by littlepieces

Not sure what to say really! story of my life!:confused.
I seem to be quite withdrawn, have been for ages, maybe be good to chat to people on here!?


Welcome to Psychlinks!

Not sure what to say really!

What are the central issues that seem to be affecting your life? Have you sought any counseling for these issues?

If you choose to share some information about your situation, perhaps we can provide you with some direction and insights.

Thanks for your welcomes:)

What are the central issues that seem to be affecting your life? Have you sought any counseling for these issues?

For a few years now I have been struggling at work, due to lack of confidence and ability! It’s started to affect my whole life just general lack of motivation for life I suppose.
Yes I have sought counselling, have seen a few different therapists and had a couple of sessions with current one. I never seem to stay for very long I think the most sessions I have had are 4! I do have a slightly better feeling with the one I am seeing at the moment, but always wonder if there is really much point, almost two sides of myself fighting each other, never been very good at making decisions! :unsure: I did mention this to therapist he just said well your here now, yes but that does not mean I come back! So then it will just be a waste of time and money!
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