More threads by Stevan


Hi everyone:

This is my first post. Hi everyone. I've read some of your posts and relate to much of it. Rather than share my personal story right now, I'd like to share some news - maybe you already know but I was a little excited by the possibility.

I stumbled across news that there is a bill before Parliament that would repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code - this is the section that spanking parents have relied on to avoid assault charges. Canada has always considered minor assaults on children as excusable if "correction" or "discipline" were intended. Unfortunately, this attitude has led to a spanking culture in Canada. "Spanking" to me is merely a euphemism for abuse.

In 2004, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld Section 43 but said that only a "minor, trifling, tap" is acceptable. Yet, assaults on children continue and the lower courts still often excuse parental assault.

There are groups trying to change this. The Repeal 43 Committee, CHEO, and others are taking major steps to keep the issue before Parliament and make Canada a non-spanking country as is the case in many progressive thinking countries.

Health Canada now recognizes that there are only short term results when using spanking - for the parents, really - and that long-term harm is caused in 15% of victims of parental spanking.

Even though this bill may die on the table with the coming elections, its encouraging to know that there is pressure to eliminate spanking and make Canadian homes safer for children.

As a person from an abusive background who hasn't felt safe in this country since grade school - beltings were given there too - I find at least a bit of hope for the future in knowing some good people are trying to change spanking laws in Canada.

There is also some support for abused males now, and attempts to change stereotypes, as well as the understanding, confirmed through research, that spanking can cause depression, behavioural problems, and psycholgical problems.

Please let your political representative know if you support repealing Canada's spanking law.


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