More threads by lil freckle

Hi, I'm Tracy. I need to reachout to people who understand what I am going through. It's too tough to go through alone. I was sexually abused when I was a child and again at 13. I am finally now dealing with the after affects. I hope I can find someone here to connect with. I have completely isolated myself. Most of the time I feel like crawling into a cave and calling it quits but I know I'm better than that, although it is hard to believe sometimes.

I hope I receive a reply.

Thanks, Tracy

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks, Tracy. :)

I think you'll find that there are several members here who have experienced some of what you have experienced.


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Tracy aka Lil Freckle :welcome: to Psychlinks.

Glad you joined us :)
Hi Tracy;
A warm welcome, and you are right you are better and much more than the events which make you want to crawl into a cave.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on the forums :)


Hello Tracy! Welcome to Psychlinks. There are plenty of resources here and members who are willing to provide support and share experiences.

Hope you find some that might help in your situation.


Hi Tracy and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I too can relate to your post. I hope to see you around the forum :wave:
Hi Tracy/Lil Freckle!

Welcome to the forum. There are so many wonderful people here. I can relate to some of your experiences, too. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Take care,

TG :wave:
Hi TG,

It's kind of hard to just open up and start talking... And this website is overwhelming in some aspects. I don't really know how to use it lol. I'm sure I'll figure it out. See you in a forum
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