More threads by MimiWhatserface

HI, Fairly new here.

39 years old Previously diagnosed with ADD as an adult, I currently am being treated my meds for Depression and a pain disorder. I was just exploring online and found that some people say that ADD/ADHD and Fibromyalgia may be linked.

I curious and looking for answers. My Dr. has not given me a reason for the pain I feel. Just tells me when my life is less stressful I will feel better. My life as better than it has ever been. I have a great family husband, supportive kids. My health is my only major stressor. I have now just been given a referal to an ADD/ADHD specialist to maybe if we are see able changing my meds. As it is right now I am taking meds to treat the pain (20mg Amitrytline) and depression (10mg of Cypralex). Not terribly high doses as I am very sensitive to alot of different meds.

I am hoping that if we maybe treat the ADD first I can feel more higher functioning as a person and maybe the other symptoms might be treated at the same time. Here's hoping.

:thankyou2:Thanks for your stories and insights. Nice to sort'a meet you all.
Keep up the good work.


Welcome Mimi.

I am a new member as well. So far, I feel like I have met a dozen new friends. Their insight and experiences have been helpful and thought provoking. There is so much info on this web site and I hope you find it helpful.

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