More threads by gooblax

Hey everyone :)
It's been a fairly long while since I was last actively posting here, and so I thought I'd say hello to all the old and new members here. :wave: :wave4:

Oh, and... I suppose I should have something else to say if I'm gonna start a thread here. *cough :spam2: cough* :p Sooo... Uh... Hmm... I have a lot of little star stickers on my desk - anyone want some? :D
Aw, thanks guys :) Will do. :friends: :hug:
Gooblaxes are tricky to get rid of, really. Off the record, we're the ones truly responsible for the disappearance of single socks. ;)


Hi Gooblax :)

I had felt bad about being away so long myself. To find that someone else has also gone awol makes me feel much less of a terrible person for not contributing.

Thanks!! :dance:
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