More threads by FionaArt


I am FionaArt. I love turquoise. I am starved of hugs. I want to fight the stigma of mental distress in society but the hardest is dealing with th stigma by those closest to you. Sometimes I think and write lots, other times I hide. I like chocolate. I live in London, UK.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks, Fiona.

I was born in London but only because they wouldn't let my mom on the boat to Canada until after she delivered me; I only lived there for 6 weeks so I don't remember a lot. :D


Welcome to Psychlinks FionaArt! :2thumbs:

It definitely is difficult to change other peoples ideas about mental illness when they have believed certain things there whole life. One person at a time though, right?! ;)


Global Moderator & Practitioner
Hey FionaArt. Welcome to Psychlinks. Chocolate - yum!! One of the major food groups - no matter where you live, 'eh?
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