More threads by starrbox7


Hi, My name Amber and I am a 25 yr old mother of 1, and I found this forum by searching the web for Body Image Disorder forums and support groups. I am trying to find out a little bit more about how I can learn to cope with this problem. I know I'm not alone, and I know we can all learn from one another. I thought it might be healthy to find others I can talk it out with :)


Welcome Starrbox7!

I am new here too. I have panic disorder, OCD and mood disorder(s). But I'm getting by! ;) I also have some body image issues myself so I can relate (even though this is not my major problem).

I hope you find wellness and peace. Always remember that to your child you will always be the most beautiful person on earth. Our society is obsessed with the 'external wrapping' of people and consequently misses out on the beauty inside of so many people. I hope you can rise above what our society teaches us on television and one day love yourself and your body entirely and completely.

Big Ben
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