More threads by Eduardo


Hello everyone,

My name is Eduardo and I'm not actually new here, to be honest. I've participated in this forum under an alias before long ago. But since I cannot remember my login, I thought I could use the opportunity to get a fresh start without a "mask", so to say.

I'm a computer science student on the West Coast of Europe and I really don't know what to say more about myself for now. I'm a relatively social person, even though I often find myself in a different perspective of most people.

I like a good laugh and I like to consider myself an idealist, however, I'm not happy.

And although I constantly fight getting into a depressive state, I really think I could use some help and advice.

Also, I had psychotherapy before for a while. I wasn't diagnosed with anything aside from "a light depressive trace", quoting my therapist. I continued by my own choice until I was forced to interrupt it by economical and family reasons.
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