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I'm Bolin (Love ya if you know the name).

I've had depression for a while, I've dealt with Social Anxiety Disorder before, and recently it has come to my attention I may have Borderline Personality Disorder (Friends have noticed it as well). I had therapy briefly when I was 13, but I felt uncomfortable with the lady dealing with me. She was very rude and made assumptions, and basically wanted to get things over with fast. So I told her "I'm okay now" and just like that she let me leave..while I was suicidal..very, VERY unprofessional.

I've been wanting to talk to my mother about seeing another therapist, hopefully a more professional one. But my mother is very stubborn and ignorant, and doesn't 'believe' in mental disorders. If I'm sad, she yells at me. It's very awful. I'm 16 so I could go alone, but by law they'd have to contact my parents if I'm depressed/suicidal, and I am. My mom thinks she can help me and gets angry when I don't speak to her, but she's not professional and she doesn't make me feel comfortable.

So..yeah. Name is Bolin. Depression and BPD (I've gotten much better with my SAD). Nice to meet all of you!


Welcome to Psychlinks Bolin! :2thumbs:

You can indeed go on your own, if a therapist was to let your parents know that your suicidal/depressed, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Maybe then your mother will understand that things are a lot worse off then she is assuming and she will be more on board with getting the help you need. Especially if your feeling depressed and suicidal.

Aside from the depression and feelings of suicide, if you do have BPD (hopefully your not self-diagnosing because that's not good) then it would be best to get some treatment as soon as you can. :)
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Hi welcome to Psychlinks i too think it would not be a bad thing if your mother knew how sad you were Go get some help okay you take care of YOU h un


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome Bolin! Have you tried contacting a counselor through your school or a mental health hotline? Both of those resources can help you find a therapist in your area.
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