More threads by Harebells


Hi Everybody,
I joined up to this forum a while ago but never posted before and I haven't had much of a look around yet. I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety/bpd a few years ago but was struggling for 20 years before that. I didn't really think anyone would believe me so I took ages to ask for help. After a few years of being messed around by psychiatry services things are better and I do have some support and I thought this would help but I feel just as bad and I feel guilty for not being better when I am getting help. Today my head just feels mired in everything, I wish I never existed. I just can't escape the past when people are still in my life. Also really stressed because of finances/accommodation stuff. Anyway, sorry to be only moaning right off the bat! It's just good to talk to people who genuinely know what it's like. Kind wishes to you all x


Welcome to Psychlinks Harebells! Hope you find the information and support you need.

Are you receiving any form of therapy or treatment at this time?


Welcome to the forum Harebells. So nice to hear from you although not so nice about all your struggles. There are lots of interesting and helpful threads to read so take your time. Healing takes time and there are many good people here to support you along your journey.


Hi Steve and Mari - thanks for your replies and kind words. In terms of treatment I am seeing a counsellor and also see my psychiatrist about once every month or two. Also the cpn calls me once a week which is not treatment as such but is nice support. How are you guys today?


Thank-you, my day is not too bad and I just realized this is the first week in years that I do not have even one medical appointment to attend. Unfortunately that is just temporary because beyond PTSD I also have several incurable physical illnesses but I am not complaining because so far they are under control. Can I ask you what cpn refers to?


Congrats on the lack of appointments, that sounds really intense that you normally have so many. Sorry to hear about your PTSD and other illnesses, you are great to have such a positive attitude about it all and it's really good to hear that they are under control. Sorry, cpn is community psychiatric nurse, I was too lazy to type it before, also typing impeded by crumbs under the keys as I'm always eating at the computer!
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