More threads by LostinDarkness

I was hospitalized in Nov 2013 , mental health ward , on a form 1. Spent twelve days there.
Since leaving I have been on a few different medications......

I have been on OW and applied to ODSP, as my crisis worker , and 2 counselors said I should.

Denied , Denied , Appealing..................

My initial hospital visit gave me a GAF of 35 . 10 months later I am 41-45 according to my

Hoping this site will lift some of my loneliness.......

I spend my days in a basement with the lights off , on my computer. Days are pretty much a

I continue to have erratic sleep patterns despite my psychiatrist tripling my meds on first visit and then
doubling them again on second visit.

I don't consider myself fat I am over 275 lbs. I wish I could say muscle but.......not the case.

If you read this.....thank you .


Welcome to Psychlinks, Lost In Darkness!

Sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been dealing with. We hope you will find the help and support you might need here.

Feel free to look around the Forum, join in any ongoing discussion or start some of your own and let us know how we can help.

Are you receiving therapy on an ongoing basis? Are you able to contact your doctor to explain your situation and to ask for help in resubmitting your claim?
THanks Steve,
I have regular monthly meetings with a counsellor and began monthly meetings with my Psychiatrist in August.
I have also asked to try ECT as pills are not doing much. I know the risks but think it is worth a try.
My appeal is being handled by a legal aid clinic
Just want to say hi and welcome you to Psychlinks It is good you have some legal aid to help you get on ODSP Hope all turns out well.
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