More threads by Wendy


Hi, I've joined this form in hope to keep connected to a Tourette community for my oldest son and as well I have a husband with mental health issues.
I'm a busy person and try to read as much as I can about everything!
I'm thrilled to be apart of this form. I felt the Tourette Form I was a part of kept me sane in many ways and practiced much of what I read!!!!
I do hope I can contribute my knowledge or experience when the time is necessary for this form. :)
Hi Wendy glad this forum has helped you and your son and I hope he is coping well with his illness and you are able to get support too in the community. Thanks for posting.


Hello Wendy and welcome! Thanks for joining us here on Psychlinks, and we'll do our best to continue providing support and information for the Tourette community, along with related issues.

What is the nature of the issues your husband is struggling with?



---------- Post Merged at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:24 AM ----------

He struggles with depression, high anxiety and mood swings.
I have also discovered that my husband is OCD, ADHD only because of the doctors and the informative resources and professional development sessions I have attended over the years from my sons diagnoses!
My husband of course is undiagnosed ....... just by me lol

I do tip toe alot and can tell when he misses his meds
When my husband is highly anxious and stressed he focuses his bad energy on my Tourette
son because my son's behaviours are of course impulsive.
Its an everyday struggle for myself the kids and of course my husband. I feel like a anxiety police most of the time!!!!
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