More threads by LadyBumble

Some of you have already heard from me on Bumble's post, and I thought it would make sense to come and introduce myself properly.

So hello :)

I'm looking forward to getting involved over here and getting to know everyone.

A little about me; I live near London and I'm looking for work in social care, in particular within the fostercare system (which I think needs a lot more people involved looking after the children and not the purse strings) and with that in mind I've been accepted onto a course in Violence Against Women as a precourser to my MA in Woman and Child Abuse.
I was brought up living often with my Grandmother who founded the South Cumbria Rape and Abuse service and I was inspired by the work that she did and the people that she helped and want to be able to do the same for children who have suffered abuse.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Welcome to the PsychLinks community, Lady Bumble :hug: :)


Welcome to Psychlinks LadyBumble :welcome2:

Glad to have you with us and I am sure that I will see you around :wave:


Account Closed
Hi Lady Bumble

Welcome to Psychlinks. :welcome2:

We have something common - I worked in the violence prevention field for many years too.

Glad your here.


Account Closed
Actually its from past stuff - but I did burn out from my last job. If you want to know more or compare notes Lady Bumble feel free to PM me. :)
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