More threads by matt4



I am Matt. I am 19 and I live in London.

I'm here to find out how to cure/treat my ever present excessive shyness. I know it probably doesn't sound serious but it is to me and probably is mental.

Anyway, I stumbled in here.

Hello to you all! :)


Hi Matt and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am sure that you will find lots of great information and resources on shyness on here and you may want to start by reading this forum: Shyness and Social Anxiety

I am glad that you stumbled upon us and I hope to see you around :wave:


Hello Matt!

Welcome to Psychlinks. Do you find yourself to be shy in all situations or only in certain situations?


Hello all,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I have begun reading that forum.

I find myself shy in almost all situations apart from friends I see everyday, or close family. I also find I can't have eye contact with people. I have no clue why. I just don't make eye contact.

It's pretty late here so I will head off and read this when I get back later tomorrow.

Thanks :)


Account Closed
Well I hope reading some of the articles will help. You aren't alone in the shyness department.

Glad you found us. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome, Matt.I would suggest that you start another thread with specific questions in the appropriate section here (e.g., Shyness and Social Anxiety, Depression).
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