More threads by nd2brkout


My weight has been a problem for me ever since I was a child. I was teased by other kids. I became shy and avoided participating in physical activities. However, I managed to get by school because my good grades were in my favour and every other kid thought I was smart.

When I got to my teens, I started getting more and more self-conscious. I stopped eating much and went through a very rapid weight loss that resulted in an illness. But that wasn’t a problem, I got treated and actually loved how that worked out, it boosted my confidence.

As years went by, I became more and more critical about myself. About two years ago, things got really bad. I spent forever making weight loss plans, measuring myself and drawing pictures of my ideal self – I still do all these to date. I would stay up at night just thinking of how life would be if I were thin. I started getting headaches that really bugged me and my doctors never got to know what the problem was. I hit rock bottom. I argued with my dad every night. I decided to punish myself. The plan was that, I would put everything on hold until I lost the weight. I started avoiding public places and dreaded going to school. Sometimes I would get so anxious outside that I would have to catch the first bus home. I also started missing school and my grades plummeted.

It all got so frustrating that I finally opened up to the school psychologist. However, I felt that this didn’t help much so I quit. I started overdosing and harming myself. I stopped when I realised it was just making me uglier so I started purging. I felt so guilty for wasting food when other people had none, so I stopped eating instead. During the summer I stayed in the house for two weeks straight without getting out, I just exercised and barely ate. I lost weight and was happy until I gained it all back in the fall. I got so angry with myself and decided to take an initiative. I joined a gym and things started to look up.

My gym buddy left, so I stopped going. I started exercising at home. I read this self-help book and followed it like the gospel. No one seemed to notice that I was getting thin. This upset me. I regretted that I had alienated people before. Even my closest friends didn’t seem to notice. I began to reminisce the times when I was smart and had loads of friends and participated in school. That’s when I realised that I never really amounted to who I could be because of my weight. So I started blaming my parents for not bringing me up right and for giving me bad genes. I hate my teeth, my skin, my facial structure...I hate doing this but I can’t stop.

For a few months now I have been having thoughts of suicide. I really want to do it but I can’t because I feel selfish. In addition, I’ll be fat when I do it. What a failure. I feel like my problems are so vain to die over. I will cause my family pain. Besides, I haven’t done enough in this life. I just want to be fine and grow up normal. My future in college is already in jeopardy because I missed so much. My parents won’t let me go back another year. I feel confined in my own prison. I need help. I can’t let my parents know what I do. They are already so frustrated, my mother cries when I act out because she can’t understand. I am letting them down. I need to get better soon. I want to go to college, ride a motorcycle, bungee jump, dance, work, get married, the whole package. I swear sometimes I feel like I could just...

Sorry for writing such a long message. I would really appreciate your help.
Hi nd2brkout,
You have done well by writing about the distress you are feeling , is it possible for you to see a nutritional therapist , from what you say about your yoyo weight issues , maybe you have developed a distorted image of yourself , and can no longer see yourself the way you really are due the image of the fantasy you , you would like to be .

It all got so frustrating that I finally opened up to the school psychologist. However, I felt that this didn’t help much so I quit.

May be you didn't give it enough time . There are no miracle cures . It takes time to intergrate a new way of seeing oneself .

I am sure if you could open out to your parents about this , they would understand your past behaviour , they must feel puzzled as to why their bright smart child seems to have let go as far as schooling is concerned .

One way to open up communication if talking is difficult , is to write it down and show them or give it to them in a form of a letter . Is this possible for you.
take care wp

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It all got so frustrating that I finally opened up to the school psychologist. However, I felt that this didn’t help much so I quit.

School psychologists may not have the necessary experience and training to help you deal with the issues you've described.

Have you since returned to therapy?


Thanks for your response White Page,

I would ike to tell them but I think it's gone too far. Just this morning, my dad took the key to my room because I usually lock myself in. Now he and my mum can come and go as they please. He shouted at me this morning and told me to 'deal with it!' God knows I have tried. If only he knew. This morning I woke up ready to do the deed. I was breathing so hard, my heart was pounding, i was infurited. I can't tell him things like that.

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Hi nd2brkout,

I am sure if you could open out to your parents about this , they would understand your past behaviour , they must feel puzzled as to why their bright smart child seems to have let go as far as schooling is concerned .

Thanks for your response White Page,

I would ike to tell them but I think it's gone too far. Just this morning, my dad took the key to my room because I usually lock myself in. Now he and my mum can come and go as they please. He shouted at me this morning and told me to 'deal with it!' God knows I have tried. If only he knew. This morning I woke up ready to do the deed. I was breathing so hard, my heart was pounding, i was infurited. I can't tell him things like that.

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School psychologists may not have the necessary experience and training to help you deal with the issues you've described.

Have you since returned to therapy?

Thanks David Baxter,

I guess you're right, I didn't feel much different after the sessions. No, I haven't since returned to therapy. I just don't know how to tell my parents. It's just that, my problem seems so easy to fix but everytime I try I fail.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No, I haven't since returned to therapy. I just don't know how to tell my parents. It's just that, my problem seems so easy to fix but everytime I try I fail.

They're not easy to fix on your own, though... not at all. It sounds to me like you should be doing your best to find a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, body image issues, and self-injury.
Thanks for opening up nd2brkout it must be very difficult for you dealing with this on your own. I also believe the school psychologist may not have the ability to help you fully understand what you are going through. Perhaps if you write a letter to your parents telling them what is going on I am sure they will try to get help for you. A dietician that specializes in weight issues or a psychologist better trained in that field of emotions. Your parents care for you and will want to help you just help them see the pain your in okay take care mary


Perhaps if you write a letter to your parents telling them what is going on I am sure they will try to get help for you.

Thanks Mary, actually today I spent a whole hour ad a half writing what I felt.

You are right, I should let my parents know. The letter actually it's more like an essay, is very raw. I'm scared it's too much at one go but I think it's the only way I can say what needs to be said. I'll send it to them via email in the middle of the night. I just hope I don't hurt them. I really appreciate your help Mary.
nd2brkout anytime you need support just reach out okay. Everyone will be here for you but try to get professional help because having someone to talk to in person does help.. I will pray everything goes well for you let us know how it goes okay i am sure your parents will be helpful and want the best for you best wishes mary
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