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Hi there!

I have always been someone with high emotions. I'm an actor, it's what I live for!

But as I got older and entered early adulthood, my mood swings and emotions reached an all time high. It is so bad that it has gotten to the point where I have lost a lot of important, stong friendships/relationships of mine.

I'm thinking I should get tested for borderling personality disorder but, where do I go to get such help? Where do I begin? Do I see therapist? A physician?

It's all really scary to think that I may have something like this illness. I'm just not too sure where to go and who will understand.

Any thoughts on how I should get started? Where to go to get assessed? What kind of assessments do I need?

Thanks to all.


Hi LisaVO Welcome to Psychlinks:beer2:

If your concerned about your mental health then you would first go to your family doctor and ask them if they will give you a referral.

If your not sure on whether you want to see a therapist or just go right to a psychiatrist then maybe just ask your family doctor to point you in the right direction. I guess maybe it depends on how badly this is effecting your life. You may just have Borderline traits and not full blown Borderline Personality Disorder.

Anyway, a psychiatrist could diagnose you if there is a diagnosis needing to be made and he could put you on medications if that's the route you want to go.

It sounds like therapy could be something that would help you out.

I'm not a professional, just a client I guess, but I have been through all these routes for some sort of mental health issue or another.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
As STP suggests, it's important that you not self-diagnose or jumpt to conclusions regarding a diagnosis. From your brief description, it could be many things other than Borderline Personality Disorder.

It probably would help to ask for a referral to a psychiatrist or psychologist in your area, and a logical starting place for this would be your family doctor. But be clear that you are looking for assistance with (or assessment of) mood swings, intense emotional reactions, and interpersonal relationships, not for an assessment of Borderline Personality Disorder.
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