More threads by lilslugger

Hey, I'm a 23 year old man who suffers from OCD, BDD and self-harm. My thoughts just won't leave me alone with the OCD and I self-harm as a way to cope. I've self-harmed quite a lot over the last few weeks. My interests are manga, movies, video games and the UFC.
re: Hey..I'm 23

Hi lilslugger,

A warm welcome , have a look around the forum there are many articles and useful threads about OCD, looking forward to getting to know you. :) wp


re: Hey..I'm 23

Hello lilslugger,

:welcome2: to Psychlinks!

By BDD do you mean Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Are you currently or have you ever received therapy for the disorders you mentioned?

How can Psychlinks best help you at this time?

BTW what's the ufc?

Feel free to look around and join in any of the ongoing discussions or start some of your own.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Hey..I'm 23

Welcome to Psychlinks, slugger! :)

BTW what's the ufc?

I believe it refers to the televised Ultimate Fighting Championship, sort of a combination of WWE wrestling, kickboxing, martial arts, boxing, and just plain old streetfighting or bar brawling.


Resident Canuck
:hithere: LilSlugger :welcome: to Psychlinks!

Glad you joined us. Feel free to post questions on the forum. I assure you, no one here judges. I learned that from personal experience. We are a good group of folks here.

See you around!


Welcome to Psychlinks lilslugger :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and please make sure you review and familiarize yourself with the Forum Rules.

Hope to see you around the forum :wave:
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