More threads by insideiamdying


My name is Tariki... I am 52 years old...

Presently I am single but have a girlfriend... I was married for 24 and 1/2 years and was the father of 7 children...

I have been everything from a police officer, to a military chaplain, to a psychologist... I am now on disability and retired...

After my divorce I just kinda fell apart with multiple suicide attempts... long peroiods of hospitalizations... and then I started to SI... For awhile I was SI almost daily... my longest streak without SI has been 40 days... presently I have gone 24 days...

For a long time I would come to forums and hid behind false names and personalities... I am here as me... and trying to be as upfront as possible from the start... I tended not to tell people who I am... because of a book that has great meaning to me... by John Powell... intitled... "Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am..." and the answer... because if i tell you who i am and you don't accept it... its all I have... So this is an attempt at being up front from the start...

Finally my last claim to fame... so to speak... is I'm a transgender... I was a male... but I am a female now...

Thanks for listening...

nice to meet you :wave4:

you had me confused at first with the title saying "girl" and then saying you were a father - but your last sentence explained all :)



Welcome to Psychlinks Tariki :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around the boards :wave:


Hi Tariki and welcome to Psychlinks :hello:

Your post made me smile because when I found Psychlinks, I too was determined to be real and not hide. :)



Try not to let it be intimidating, it really is a great place to gain/give support as well as learn a lot from the resources and articles.

Glad that you are having a look around and getting aquainted with us :)
Still kinda overwhelmed by the place... i know if i just jumped in i could get started but for me the first step is always a major hurdle... and i have questions...


Welcome! :) *hug* kick your shoes off and tell us your problems.
This forum has come to my aid in psychiatric emergency situations better than any hotline out there! :D
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