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Hey there everyone!

I'm Lan, and this is my first time in an online forum! YAY ME!! A new learning experience....

I've been diagnosed as bipolar II since I was 16; it's been a rocky road, with a lot of potholes thrown in. I'm from a large Northern Ontario community, and you can lose a car in the potholes we have here, just to give you a reference.

I am pleased to say that I have finally gotten my life put back together after several major life issues, including a previous relationship during which I suffered abuse. I'm a nursing student, and have quite the developed interest in psychology. I've been at university for 8 years now, and will likely be done in December of 2009, which is really big for me because I've been working on this goal for so long. I actually have been managing on my own, coordinating my own resources and supports for the past 4 years, with my GP refilling my medications as I require them. I have enrolled myself in programs and support services without the aid of medical health professionals. But today, I have an appointment with a new psychiatrist. It's really stressful to me, because I hate feeling railroaded by doctors, forced to do what it is they think is best due to the paternalistic views of our western medicine. I like having options open, and so far that I've heard from others who have had this guy, he's not much better.

I like to be a voice in my own care, and I research my disorder, the medicaitons and treatments, and everything else that pertains to it, so that I can try to function as normally as possible. I was wondering, is anyone here with bipolar familiar with taking tryptophan (aka L-Tryptan)? I want to hear some real input from people who have taken it. I'm currently on Lamictal and Seroquel, and I take Omega3,6,9 and multivitamins to help with my health. It just seems to me that something isn't quite spot on anymore, like something needs tweaking, and I'm half tempted to try something new. Most of the medications for bipolar, well, I've been on them. They tend to work for me for between one and three years, and then start failing on me. Which is why I was thinking about the Tryptophan.... any suggestions, comments, etc. would be greatly appreciated!


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Hi, Lan:

It's not unusual with bipolar disorder to require medication "tweaking" from time to time. I would recommend that you talk to your new psychiatrist about alternatives - new options or combinations become available frequently.

I wouldn't anticipate much benefit from tryptophan for bipolar disorder. Also, you need to be very careful adding in remedies affecting neurotransmitters like serotonin on top of prescription medications - this could result in serotonin syndrome, which can be dangerous. I would recommend you also discuss this with your psychiatrist.

Daniel E.
Welcome Lan :)

David Baxter said:
I wouldn't anticipate much benefit from tryptophan for bipolar disorder. Also, you need to be very careful adding in remedies affecting neurotransmitters like serotonin on top of prescription medications - this could result in serotonin syndrome, which can be dangerous.


After a quick search at PubMed, it seems tryptophan, like antidepressants, may be contraindicated for mania, with depletion being more helpful than supplementation:

Another potential reason to avoid tryptophan supplementation:
Cases of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviours (frequency not known) have been reported during L-tryptophan therapy or early after treatment discontinuation.

'Natural antidepressant' tryptophan linked to increases in suicidal behavior - Psychlinks

And, at least historically, another concern is contamination since that was an issue in the 1990s:

Contamination found in L-tryptophan supplement (1998)
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Hi Lan and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I have to say that I absolutely agree with David about speaking to your psychiatrist about a possible medication or tweaking.

Good luck and let us know how it goes :goodluck:
Oh my lord I love you guys. I never expected to be given peer-reviewed information links!! Very perceptive, thank you very much! I agree that it likely would not be helpful just yet, as I obviously should do some homework on this myself from the links even before I speak with my doctor. I really think I'm going to get some great information and advice here....I feel very welcome, and comfortable asking questions. Thanks Meggylou for pointing me here!!


Awesome to see you here.
This place really is wonderful, with great people and wonderful resources for info.
I'm so glad you like it. YAY!


Hi Lan!
Welcome to the forum!

You sound like you are doing really well. And it is always good to be involved in your care. Knowing about what is going on and what is being prescribed is great.

Proud of you for all you are accomplishing!

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