More threads by Ugh


Hi everyone. I am new here, and thought that I would join a site that is supportive of people with depression and just the overall blues.

I chose the username "Ugh" because that is how I feel MOST of the time.

I am from Oklahoma City. I have 2 kids. A nine year old daughter, and an 18 year old son.

I have been married for 2 years now, and on my last ditch effort to save my marriage and myself from failing.

I am hoping that I can find the support that I need here.


P.S. How do I change my avatar? I have tried to edit it and even made the picture that I wanted 80 x 80, and everytime I hit submit it says the file failed.


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Hi, Ugh.

:welcome: to the forum! You'll find a great community of caring, compassionate people here.

I look forward to getting to know you!


Resident Canuck
Re: Hi. I am new here.

:hithere: Ugh, :welcome: to Psychlinks!

Glad you joined us. :D


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Thank you Turtle. I like your name, and your avatar. I used to rescue snapping turtles. They would be crossing the road, and I just knew they'd get hit, so I'd stop and put them in my truck and take them to a safe place at the lake.


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Thanks, Ugh.

I have a special fondness for turtles. I'm not sure what it is about them, but I just adore them. They are fascinating little creatures :)


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Hello Ugh and welcome to Psychlinks!

Regarding your avatar upload, please note:

The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller).

If you meet both these criteria and still fail to upload, let us know and we'll try to help


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Hello Ugh and welcome to Psychlinks!

Regarding your avatar upload, please note:

The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller).

If you meet both these criteria and still fail to upload, let us know and we'll try to help

Thank you. Everyone seems so nice here, and so quick to respond. I went to and resized the pic I wanted to 80 x 80, and it still won't let me do it.

Nevermind. Hahahahaa. I took it to photobucket, and figured it out. Took some time though. Thanks!


Re: Hi. I am new here.

Welcome, Ugh. I gotta say, I like the avatar; it's simple and retro, and well, unexpected from what the seventies icons taught us to expect. However, I truly hope that in time you'll feel a desire to change it to one that accurately reflects your state of mind, which simply means I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

And I hope you'll let us help you get there in whatever way we can.
Re: Hi. I am new here.

Hello to you, and welcome to the forum!

I used to rescue snapping turtles. They would be crossing the road, and I just knew they'd get hit, so I'd stop and put them in my truck and take them to a safe place at the lake.

I have a special fondness for turtles. I'm not sure what it is about them, but I just adore them. They are fascinating little creatures :)

Yay for you both! I think they're absolutely sweet, too. I've rescued many of them from the roads myself-- even the stubborn ones who want to snap at fingers and scratch you with their adorable wee claws. :rolleyes:
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