More threads by jordis1201

Hi all, I am new. Its really cool that i landed here. Its nice to know im not alone. it gets really hard sometimes tring to talk to people who dont relate or understand where my brain takes me when im down. i i wind up just getting quiet and cry because i dont want to burden them with my out of whack emotions. so i guess i just want to say hi and that its really awesome that ppl can get together and create support systems online. :dance:


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Re: hi im so glad i found u

Welcome to the forum jordis1201 :welcome:

it gets really hard sometimes tring to talk to people who dont relate or understand where my brain takes me when im down.

I like the way you put this. Couldn't have said it better myself. :D


Welcome to Psychlinks, Jordis! Feel free to join in any ongoing discussion or start some of your own.

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