More threads by London


Hi im Daniel im 18. it my first post here
ok this is how it goes

I went to high school with a girl I really liked, I never told her how I felt. But she was really mean to me because I was from a different part of England to her and I spoke with a different accent. She often tryed to make out there was things wrong with me, eg : my skin was not clear, or lots of silly untrue things, for no reason.
Recently I became upset and decided I would make her feel upset back, so I left her a mean message on facebook saying various things eg: she was no good, untrue typical stuff you would say in an argument.
We then sent each other abusive messages for a while.
Recently she send me a polite message to cease the agruments.

Me saying bad stuff back to her did not make me feel any better
Please can I have some advice......

PS : Im your typical average person in every way, so please base your answers on this, thankyou :)


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First off - Welcome to Psychlinks. :)

As for the mean message that you sent on FB. How about apologizing either by email or put it as an update. She may or may not forgive you. The point of making amends is that, making the amends - owning up to what you did without excuses and saying your truly sorry for the hurt caused by your actions.



Welcome to Psychlinks!

If you want to be friends with this girl, you have to think about mending fences, which means apologizing for your rude behaviour.

Maybe you and this girl just got off on the wrong foot. Insulting someone is never a good way to build rapport.

she was no good, untrue typical stuff you would say in an argument.

I disagree, it should not be typical stuff you say in an argument. Disagreeing with someone, means explaining your point of view by sticking to the facts and the issues. Personal attacks and insults will never succeed and will only harm your reputation.

It sounds as though this relationship is based on personal attacks, so why would you want to pursue a relationship with this person in the first place?


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Hi London,

Welcome to Psychlinks. :) as for advice, remember to always live by your own yardstick. From reading your post, I have this feeling that you regret falling prey to vengeance...This life is really short. I'm of the volition that I really try and live to my own standards. No venom, no meanness...just me. But I also make sure that people are never in a position to try and harm me...sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't - but the lesson always sticks...:)


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Welcome to Psychlinks, London :)

I agree with what others have already said. I hope you're able to work things out :)


Welcome aboard, London.

I can't think of any circumstances under which it would be wrong to sincerely apologize if you feel you've done something that has hurt someone else. Even if there is no chance of reconciling a platonic friendship and she won't accept an apology, it can go a long way toward building a sense of humility and compassion in your own moral character. We learn from our mistakes, and we learn more when we attempt to make amends for them.

Good luck to you, Daniel.
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