More threads by kostyazen


Hi everybody!

I'm 38, male and live in Kiev, Ukraine. I was educated as an engineer, but never actually worked as one - because of Perestroika and everything. Actually, to my surprise, it was't interestig any longer after the graduation.

Instead I found myself more and more interested in psychology and related stuff.

Beginning from 1998 I have gotten more and more deeply involved in Klaus Joehle "Living on Love" books. I actually became a translator from English to Russian and translated not only "The Messenger" by Klaus Joehle (a book about sending love, or focusing on the feeling of love in such a way) -- but also a series of other books for a commercial publisher.

Now books in Russian translation are being published -- after they were online for several years. I'm very glad about this! :)

All Klaus Joehle books are available as of now online for your reading. Newest book "Some Things are Worth Believing In - Money Is Love” on releasing resistance to money and creating 3.6 million dollars is available as both text and mp3.

I've enjoyed very much a post on the science of happy in this forum. It gives so much to think about. I'm going to mention it - or post parts of it in my newsletter on working with love.

I hope it's not too many links in one message :) Oh, here is one more -- my bio. Just recently created this page.
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