More threads by Prophet


Ok, I am not sure u remember me. I have posted on this forum before. My name is Prophet. I have tried to post recently but my parents took my computer away. I have it for a short period of time now so this will be quick. I need help. My dad has been really mean to me and I am not sure if it is abuse but I think so. He just came home from a trip. He has always been mean to me but never this mean. Recently I got a bad grade on my math quiz but I usually am a great student. Anyway I come home and I say, "Hi dad, I missed u!" And I go to give him a hug and he literally shoves me away. Then he tells me what a disgrace I am, and then how mean I am. He tells my mom I am a loser and she believes him. Tonight I am so sad. I got up the courage to say I can't take his abuse anymore and he screamed at me and threatened to send me away to "hell." He has never been this mean. And when he is mean ten minutes later he is always really nice so then I try to forgive him. But now I can't forgive him. I am so sad. What should I do?



You remember. Thank you. I tried that, but it didn't work. I asked the head of my school where the counselor was, and they had no clue! I'm not even kidding. So I got scared to ask anything else and gave up. Do you think I should ask again?

Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM

You know what? I should not even think that. Of course I should ask again. And I will. Thank you for your help.
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H! Prophet. I am surprised you were not directed to a counselor at your school but you are absolutely right to ask again. I am sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having and I hope when you have a chance you will give an update on your progress. Stay strong!
Do you have other relatives you can talk to hun someone an uncle cousin aunt who will listen and perhaps talk to your father to tell him not be so harsh. I know it is hard when a parent does not return ones affection and i am sorry you feel so alone Please talk to a teacher even okay someone so they know how you are feeling
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