More threads by Andy


Then again, I had the same problem as a pefestrian, especially in London...
I never really thought of it in regards to where the centre line was and the wheel. I think turning would be hard to get use to.
There are more and more right sided steering wheels here now to. I usually do a double take even though I am use to seeing them now, it still makes me look because my brain goes right to "Oh look there is a car without a driver":whistle:"What shall I have for dinner to...WHAT?:panic:"

Well don't all pefestrians have issues in London though?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I was driving my oldest son somewhere quite some time ago and he looked over at a school bus going the other way and said, "Kindergarten kids"...

Not having seen them (since I was driving), I said, "Oh? Little faces?".

He said, "No. No faces. Just the tops of hats."

I don't know why your post reminded me of that story but it did. :eek:
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