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:2thumbs: Wishing you well, Violet. Do what's best for you - all the while being candid with your daughter-in-law so she' knows where you're coming from...:hug:


Hello Violet:

I agree wholly with the suggestions and good advice you are being given here. Yes, as Jazzey, says, one's home is one's sanctuary, and I am not surprised you are upset. And as David rightly says, it is disrespectful. By the way, might I add that none of it is your fault, so don't beat yourself up. You do need and deserve a rest, Violet.

All the best



I can really relate to what you are saying when you talk about things like having to get in your car and drive just to get away or have some 'me' time. I used to drive for hours sometimes doing that, and I know the frustration and feeling that comes when you have a home but your home is not your home, and you have to resort to finding safe places anywhere you can. Hang in there, we're here.



I too can relate. I live in a shared house with my partner, we have our own space/rooms but its not really our own, we get interupted so what I do is put up notices on our door or other doors saying I'm not dealing with anyone or anything today and asking to be left in peace, most time it works. It lets people know what you need and want. I do agree with the others that home should be a place of safety and refuge, also you should only have the people in it that you choose to let in.

I do hope this is resolved for you and you find some peace for yourself.:hug:
Thanks everyone it is good to see you again Atlantean. I was thinking about a sign as well Do Not Disturb one I don't know if it would work but worth a try. The increase in my cipralex to 10mg seems to be kicking in now as i am really tired again but i am glad because it is like i don't care feeling again is back. take care
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