Im so fed up with myself, i keep going into crises, just one after another. Ive been in DBT for only a fw months now and im ready give up on the whole thing, i don't see myself improving, i just see myself going down. Ive told my therapist i see no change and he said he would help me, but to be really honest i think im unhelpable with this.something should have clicked by now, i should be pro-activley learning and carrying out these new skills but its just not sticking.And i running around feeling ive got this label stuck on my forehead and the mental health services flee from me the moment they see me. Im sick of the stigma this diagnoses brings, i feel like a lepar, no one wants to come near me. Ive only been in hospital once and now my CPN is telling me if i go into another crisis she doesn't want me going back there because she can see a pattern forming, but how else am i supposed to keepp myself safe?? Its not as if i plan a crisis to happen. When i do go into crisis its REAL, its not some merry-go-round ride that i choose to jump on. And if i end up doing something impulsive after trying to warn the services they say why didnt you talk to someone? i already did and no one listened or believed me! gah ive just had enough of myself.