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Im so fed up with myself, i keep going into crises, just one after another. Ive been in DBT for only a fw months now and im ready give up on the whole thing, i don't see myself improving, i just see myself going down. Ive told my therapist i see no change and he said he would help me, but to be really honest i think im unhelpable with this.something should have clicked by now, i should be pro-activley learning and carrying out these new skills but its just not sticking.And i running around feeling ive got this label stuck on my forehead and the mental health services flee from me the moment they see me. Im sick of the stigma this diagnoses brings, i feel like a lepar, no one wants to come near me. Ive only been in hospital once and now my CPN is telling me if i go into another crisis she doesn't want me going back there because she can see a pattern forming, but how else am i supposed to keepp myself safe?? Its not as if i plan a crisis to happen. When i do go into crisis its REAL, its not some merry-go-round ride that i choose to jump on. And if i end up doing something impulsive after trying to warn the services they say why didnt you talk to someone? i already did and no one listened or believed me! gah ive just had enough of myself.


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Re: Hopless and fed up

Hi Cin,

I can't offer you any advice on this - but I wanted you to know that I'm sending you positive vibes of support. I did 'hear' you in this post and I hope you find a solution.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Re: Hopless and fed up

Hi Clin,

It can't be easy to live with these problems and tiring to feel like you have to work so hard at them. I hope that you will stick with the DBT, though. A few months in this type of therapy is not very long (though I know it might seem like it has been!). These new skills take practise... it'd be nice if they'd stick straight away, but there will be ups and downs with them, and possibly more downs before ups. Maybe not every skill will work for you. But I'm sure if you hang in there you will find skills that will be really helpful to you and will allow you to make some of the progress you are looking for.
Re: Hopless and fed up

I know it's hard work, and I often feel it's getting me nowhere, but continuing therapy is important, and can help when you have crises.

My thoughts are with you.


Dear Cin:
Do not dispair. :support: There is a point in therapy when one is totally aware of the anxiety one has and it feels awful but, many times, after that things improve faster.
I understand how you feel because I've suffered from panic attacks and some other things since I was a little child. I underwent psychoanalysis for many years. Therapies might be different but they all take time (some more than others)
I've improved a lot, and when panic strikes or migranes re-appear I remind myself that those things are part of me, only now I have tools to handle them far much better (instead of them handling me)
With the guide of my analist, I read some books about neurosis. In my case that helped a lot.
Keep on working on the best you have: yourself


Thanks guys, im trying not to fuse my thoughts with reality; im just so tired i dont know whats real.


Hello there Cin,

I happen to identify with some things you mention.:hair:
Being vulnerable with a mental illness is not my kind of time to be a guinea pig or lab rat on someone elses feeble ladder to higher learning either.

Not to take pot shots at professionals, but what I aim for are the ones with experience because I've got too much at stake. And there really are some good doctors and therapists out there. In another way, if I find a car mechanic or a lawyer that doesn't have my sincere, genuine interests in mind I will fire them... because I am the customer and they work for and with me' ... NOT the other way around! That is also irregardless of my taxes OR personal savings at work.

The only tricky part for me might be checking my motives (my head). I.E... Am I just trying to find an agreeable or yesman doctor? I hope not because thats not a very good thing.

Hope I did not swerve off topic too much either. Thanks for posting Cin.


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Hey Cin - Apologies in advance because I somehow missed your thread.

I hope you do stick with the therapy. Finding the right therapist is a very personal choice and I hope you have found a great fit.

In regards to how your feeling - have you been taught containment skills to help contain some of the pain?

It sounds like you haven't been in therapy that long. It can take a bit before you may notice a change especially if there is alot of emotional pain. Sometimes a wound needs to be lanced first before it can heal completely. As my therapist has said - short-term pain for long-term gain, I found she is right.

We are here for you too Cin.:support:


Hang in there! We all have good days...and bad...

One step forward, two back as they say.....

It will click and when it does its a wave of relief....
Hope you feel better soon, Cin. Wish I could offer better advice, but please know I am thinking of you.

Take care,

TG :support:
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