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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm sorry. I'm still so upset about that pink car Nancy posted that I can't even begin to think about stuff like that.

I'm trying to arrange an emergency therapy session.

Oh, the humanity! So much unbearable pinkness! :panic:


David, since you are a little traumatized from the pink I have decided that I won't post the lime green porshe picture that I had ready :bad:

Daniel, as for the multi-coloured car, we have one on our street and I honestly didn't think that it was suppose to look like that :panic: Thanks for the I can stop laughing everytime I see it :lol:

As for forum colours......oh who am I kidding, I still want pink :rofl:
I'm sorry. I'm still so upset about that pink car Nancy posted that I can't even begin to think about stuff like that.

I'm trying to arrange an emergency therapy session.

Oh, the humanity! So much unbearable pinkness! :panic:

So you're just going to ignore our needs (coughcoughcoughwantscoughcoughcough) because of the color PINK. Hmph.

Nancy you could post it and put a trigger warning on it. :D :p


But if I did that it would be an intentional trigger to another member and I may get an infraction or worse....BANNED :panic:

But am I a risktaker and troublemaker :hmm: :bad:
Ack. I didn't think of that. I don't want you to get banned. :lol:

I have seen lime green Volkswagon Bugs and yellow ones and I think they are cute.


how about a purple/pinkish forum with a hint of lime green,, that would be just awesome

I recall some years ago there was some research done on how color affects moods and behaviours. Well, they found that pink had a calming effect on incarcerated prisoners, and at the time they were going to paint the insides of jails pink.

I don't believe that plan ever materialized (haven't been in a jail lately..if ever) but if pink has a calming effect as they say, it may have some merit as a color in Psychlinks to help soothe our anxieties :wink:
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Maybe Steve is onto something here....I wonder if we can find that research :hmm: Will have to look for that and pronto :lol:

PFP = Pushing For Pink :bad: :lol:
Nancy I will do a search on the net and then we might convince David to have a pink or some pink in the forum colours!! Thanks TSOW:D


Just so David knows what colour we are looking at.....I have attached it :lol: :rofl:
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Ive already found some interesting things about PINK will continue my research and post about it later I think David may come round to our way of thinking and become a PINK person:lol:


Sounds good TTE, I await the research developments :D

I think that deep down David already is a PINK person although he just doesn't want to admit it and would rather keep doing this :banghead:

Remember David, real men wear PINK :lol:

Daniel E.
Regarding the pink prisons, it's not only the walls. Even the underwear is pink!

[The prisoners] wore pink jumpsuits and pink slippers, and one was wrapped in pink sheets. They were surrounded by pink bars and pink walls...

Low, who was a deputy in Mason before being elected sheriff, estimated the re-offense rate in the county is down 70 percent since he switched to pink jumpsuits for the inmates. He also said there have been no fights between inmates in the jail since it was painted.

Low got the idea of pink jumpsuits from a sheriff in Arizona, Joe Arpaio, who bought pink boxers to keep inmates from stealing the underwear and other clothing. In Mason, Low dyed the jumpsuits and slippers pink, and the color later bled to sheets, underwear and other articles during washings.

Texas Jail Is Small, But In The Pink (2006)

Nancy said:
Remember David, real men wear PINK
Yeah, a pink polo shirt with white pants would be very sporty :)


Thanks for the article Daniel however the it states that the reason that the jail was painted pink and the inmates were forced to wear pink was to deter them from committing crime again and returning to the pink jail.

Unfortunately this article is not quite helpful for our case as I am still PRO-PINK but thanks for the research....I found it quite interesting :)


Well that is why I think we should have PINK as an option and let the men choose their own colour....which I am sure they will get creative and say leave it the blue it already is :rolleyes:


But we don't know what research TTE has come up may be exactly what we are looking for to prove our case :D
The Color Psychology of PinkPink is essentially a light red and is usually associated with love and romance.

Pink is thought to have a calming effect. One shade known as "drunk-tank pink" is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing teams locker room pink to keep the players passive and less energetic.

While pink's calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color.

found this on one site which supports our case and I know it says initial exposure but that means everytime we log on we are intially exposed to it, agreed??????? so I think that would be benefical:D

Look at all the different shades of pink on the W link they are beautiful!! lots about pink here!!
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