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I am about to go to my family doctor to start asking what my options are for treating my depression. I have had it for quite a while at this point, going on 7 years off and on but it's been consistent for 2 years now. I haven't went for various reasons, mainly thinking I could try to make myself better but it's not working because in my case there isn't a happy ending in relation to what is causing my depression.

I lost my younger brother 7 years ago, and my older brother 2 years ago. We had a very rough childhood and my younger one passed due to neglect and my older one from suicide. He was very depressed the last few years of his life after my brother died. We lost our mom very young as well.

Our father was an alcoholic from that and didnt take care of us very well. I don't want to get too much into my story as it would take forever to type out, but because of the issues I am going to need work out and the time it is probably going to take to figure out I am wondering if I would even have the chance of getting approved for ODSP.

I don't know if depression counts.

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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes depression counts. Anything which prevents you from working counts.

But you will need thorough documentation and you will need to demonstrate that you are following all appropriate medical/psychiatric recommendations to recover.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Just wanted to express my sympathy for what you and your family have experienced / are experiencing, rnbj.

We'll be here if you have any other questions or want to talk.


Thank you for the condolences. I have been trying to be strong for my family and kids for so long. I keep myself very busy so I don't think about it, but when I do get a minute to think it's all that is on my mind and I just end up not doing anything from the depression. I want to make it through all of this. I don't want to follow in my brothers footsteps. It's hard being the surviving sibling, I am only 29.

What kind of documentation would I need to be approved? Do they usually allow you to see a psychotherapist and not use medication? I've seen bad experiences from people using them, my brother was on meds when he killed himself. I've lost faith in psychiatrists. The one my brother was seeing knew he was suicidal, he told my brother everyone thinks about it including himself. He didn't take my brother seriously like he should have.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You are going to need to demonstrate that you are doing and/or have done all you can to get well.

Talk to your family doctor first. See what he can recommend and what he can suggest.

Millions of people take medications and most find one that works for them without side-effects.
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