More threads by texasgirl

It has been a long time since I have talked to everyone. Lots has happened. I am sure many of you have heard about Hurricane Ike. We live on the Galveston coast of Texas and there has been enormous devastation. Our house was significantly damaged, but my daughter, my sister, my brother, my inlaws, and their son all lost their homes. We have been trying to salvage what we can, but I can't begin to tell you how horrible the situation is. Everything smells like death, especially because of the dead animals and bodies in the water. We are all shell shocked. I ask you all to say a prayer for us, since so many people's lives have been destroyed both literally and figuratively. It will take many years, just like Katrina, for the area to rebuild. We are so tired. My long term family friend is missing from Bolivar and we fear that he was washed to see, since they quit counting bodies. I will try to keep posting because I can really use your support.

Take care and I hope you are all ok,


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't watch the news much but I did see some footage of the damage around Houston and it was quite horrific. Good to know you made it through safely, TG, and we'll keep our fingers crossed for a good outcome for your friend.
Wow, texasgirl, I'm sorry you're having to go through so much. That's a lot to deal with. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope your friend is found soon too.



I am truly sorry to hear about the damage you have sustained. We have been following the story closely because we have friends in the area, and because we have a home that is potentially in hurricane territory.

It may not seem like it now, but as your family works together, along with the support of local agencies, with time it will get better.

We wish you well in your recovery, one day at a time.

Do keep us posted on your progress.


Account Closed
I have been following the storm too TG. There was alot of devastation to say the least. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
thank you all for your kind words. we spent today piling up the debris for the cranes to pick up and salvaging what we could. it's going to take a very long time, especially with no sewage, running water, or power. hurricanes are an awesome thing. we are happy that we made the decision to evacuate when we did. will keep you posted and thank you again.



Hi TG,

That is alot to endure. I'm so sorry. I've been following the hurricane footage as well because I have many puppy clients in Texas, Galveston, New Orleans...all through the hurricane areas.

I hope you can find some peace in yourself throughout this devastation. It is good that you have family and friends close by to lean on for support.

Do keep us updated and let us know if we can help.
Hi Everyone!

I am so sorry that I haven't been posting. I wanted everyone to know that we have made a lot of progress since the storm. FEMA has been very helpful and some of my family's homes have been repaired or are in process. One was a total loss and will have to be rebuilt, if at all, considering the location and the fact that virtually every house was destroyed or just wiped off the face of the map.

We are all going to be at my house for the holidays and are trying to return to normal as much as possible. Many of my family lost their jobs as well because of the storm and are in process of finding another.

I sincerely hope that you all have a happy holiday season and I will do better at rejoining the forum in the new year. I think the world of you and I appreciate all the support that you have given me and my family. It means so much.

Take care,:hug:



Dear TexasGirl,

from here in Australia, my thoughts go to you and all those affected by the terrible tradgedy.

And wishing that your friend is found safe and well..


Thank you Texas girl , for your news , it is good to know that you will be together for the festivities and that gradually life is returning to normal .

my very best wishes for you and your family and friends hugs wp
i am glad you and your family are slowly recovering from this disaster. i can't imagine what it must be like but i am glad things are looking up.

best wishes for the holidays and i hope you will have lots to laugh and smile about together, you all deserve a good relaxed time after all this stress :goodjob:
Thank you all for your kind words. Amastie, unfortunately our friend drowned on Bolivar in the storm surge. It took some time to find his body for the authorities.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday.

Take care,


:hug: wishing you a magical christmas ,

( so very sorry to hear about your friend my thoughts are with his close ones )


Account Closed
It's really too bad all this has happened to you TG but I am glad that you are finally getting the assistance that you and your community needed.

Hope your holidays go well too. :hug:


I'm so sorry TexasGirl.
My heart goes to you and to all those affected, including your friend's loved ones. I'm glad at least that there are services in place to assist those who have lost everything..
:heart: :heart:
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