David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself
by Jenna Avery, Highly Sensitive Souls Blog
August 15, 2009
As a highly sensitive soul in this not-so-sensitive world, you?re probably fairly hard on yourself.
It?s a common challenge for sensitives ? you?re not alone if this happens for you.
Every time I work with a fellow sensitive soul, it seems like we always bump into some kind of fear or limiting belief about not having value in the world, not being good enough, or being ?too? something ? too sensitive, too emotional, or too dramatic, for instance.
I consistently hear sensitives talk about being afraid people will think they?re crazy, ?need help,? or are ?high maintenance.?
I also hear sensitives struggling against being sensitive, not wanting to accept it, and wanting instead to learn to get around it or be ?cured? somehow. I also hear from sensitives who are still thinking ?there?s something wrong with me.?
Why This Happens
This happens because of the deeply internalized negative messages we?ve picked up from the people around us who don?t value high sensitivity. We heard these messages growing up, and we judged ourselves against them. We do it to ourselves now.
We also have incredibly high standards because we can see, like the visionaries we are, the greatest, highest potential in any situation or person, and it can be physically painful when there?s a mismatch between the potential we see and what?s actually happening.
We hold ourselves to these impossible standards as well, and every time something goes ?wrong? in our lives, we blame ourselves for not measuring up.
Most sensitives have a trail of seeming failures rippling behind them that they can?t shake off or let go of, even digging up those past stories for painful review at challenging moments.
Guess What?
Here?s the Solution
The key is learning not to let them stop you by changing your inner philosophy about yourself and your high sensitivity so they lose their power over you.
It?s Time to Choose ? Who Do You Want to Listen To?
Remember, YOU are the one in charge, and those limiting fears are the scared voices of your past that have nothing to do with reality. Which voices do you want to listen to? The voices of fear and doubt, or the voices of truth and wisdom? You decide.
See also Jenna Avery on helping sensitive souls thrive | Inner Talent Interviews
by Jenna Avery, Highly Sensitive Souls Blog
August 15, 2009
As a highly sensitive soul in this not-so-sensitive world, you?re probably fairly hard on yourself.
It?s a common challenge for sensitives ? you?re not alone if this happens for you.
Every time I work with a fellow sensitive soul, it seems like we always bump into some kind of fear or limiting belief about not having value in the world, not being good enough, or being ?too? something ? too sensitive, too emotional, or too dramatic, for instance.
I consistently hear sensitives talk about being afraid people will think they?re crazy, ?need help,? or are ?high maintenance.?
I also hear sensitives struggling against being sensitive, not wanting to accept it, and wanting instead to learn to get around it or be ?cured? somehow. I also hear from sensitives who are still thinking ?there?s something wrong with me.?
Why This Happens
This happens because of the deeply internalized negative messages we?ve picked up from the people around us who don?t value high sensitivity. We heard these messages growing up, and we judged ourselves against them. We do it to ourselves now.
We also have incredibly high standards because we can see, like the visionaries we are, the greatest, highest potential in any situation or person, and it can be physically painful when there?s a mismatch between the potential we see and what?s actually happening.
We hold ourselves to these impossible standards as well, and every time something goes ?wrong? in our lives, we blame ourselves for not measuring up.
Most sensitives have a trail of seeming failures rippling behind them that they can?t shake off or let go of, even digging up those past stories for painful review at challenging moments.
Guess What?
- It?s really, truly, deeply past time to let go of all that dead weight and negative thinking.
- It?s time to learn about what it ** really ** means to be highly sensitive and how you can put it to use in your life to create the good you are here to create.
- It?s time to learn how to disarm those negative talk tracks so you can get back on track doing what you were put here to do.
Here?s the Solution
- Finally, deeply, accept who you are,
- Give yourself permission to be sensitive,
- Stop expecting yourself to fit into the mainstream world, and,
- Redesign your life to actually work with your high sensitivity.
The key is learning not to let them stop you by changing your inner philosophy about yourself and your high sensitivity so they lose their power over you.
It?s Time to Choose ? Who Do You Want to Listen To?
Remember, YOU are the one in charge, and those limiting fears are the scared voices of your past that have nothing to do with reality. Which voices do you want to listen to? The voices of fear and doubt, or the voices of truth and wisdom? You decide.
See also Jenna Avery on helping sensitive souls thrive | Inner Talent Interviews