More threads by thankyoupaige

I am done. That is it...that is how I feel. I am so tired of trying to be happy. There have been several periods in my life that I have been done before and I have pulled myself up by the boot straps and kept fighting for the sake of my kids....but I am at the point where I just don't know if they are enough to keep me fighting anymore. I love them with all my heart but I am just so tired of trying.
I hope you will come back and talk some more with us Paige, you are not alone in your struggle, many of us here have and do struggle with depression. I myself can identify with where you are at. I have been there many times and with the support of this forum and also professional help from my doctor and psychiatrist I can say I am glad I am still here today.

Hope to hear from you soon.
:hug: :hug:


Don't ever give up Paige!

Sometimes when things seem like they won't get better they actually do. Never lose hope and things can get better, they really can.


Paige, I think that we all get tired of trying sometimes. And your children should keep you going. Keep looking at them, seeing the beauty that they give to life, and try to grasp some of that beauty for yourself.

I know it isn't easy being happy when we don't feel like it. I even sometimes have wished that it were alll just done and over with. Then, one of my children will do something that just makes me realize that life is good. The things I go through aren't so great, but if I just take it one second at a time, then maybe I can make it through anything that comes my way.


Hi Paige,
I hope you are feeling a bit better. We all have bad days, weeks or even months and some days are worse than others and we feel we just have no fight left in us, yet somehow, for whatever reason we can find we pull through. Its ok to have a bad day, its ok to come here and express that and vent, and when this day is over, and it will be, be sure to come back and just say "whew, that ones over with" and let us know how you got through it. Take care.
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