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Do you believe in angels? I don't mean the pretty ones you see in pictures, with the golden curls, the gossamer wings, and the radiant halos. I am thinking about the blue collar working angels, the ones with a job to do. The ones in the United Association of Angels of the World. The guardians, for lack of a better word, who are placed here among us to teach. To inform, educate, prepare?... ummmm, new recruits. I believe that angels have a very important job to do. They weigh very heavily in the decision on whether your apprenticeship here on earth has come to an end. They are the deciding factor on when the ?being?; that is you, should be moving along to a new space.

I believe in angels. I am sure that I have been visited by one or more, on several occasions. Spared from death, not just once, but four times, in my short life. I have often thought this to mean that there is yet something I must do. I am not yet ready to make my departure from this existence. Am I in training to become an angel? I find myself wondering about this, more and more so with the passing of time.

I am not a very religious person. Never have I found any one group's worship that I wanted to become involved in, actually become a part of. Against my persona, for some things, I prefer to remain alone. I do believe in an almighty power of some sort, someone or something. I mean there has to be more than simply us. Face up to it, we are a pretty weak specimen of all that could be.

I tend to believe in fate. That things happen for a reason. That all the circumstances leading up to an event, have transpired because, because ? it is so. And this, once again, may be the work of an angel. To manipulate the outcome of a situation, forcing the results, so it appears as though there are no choices for you to make. All you can do is to stand back and watch as the movie plays out. Wishing and hoping that the ending you have envisioned was written into the script.

As a guardian, our angels support us in our walks down the path of life. Keeping in step by our sides, nudging us towards some forks, swaying us away from others. Throwing obstacles in front of us to see how we will draw from our strengths to get by. Creating terrible struggles that seem insurmountable, testing our will, forcing our desires. The outcomes of such, may bring us pain. But the joy that can be felt as an end result of the struggle strengthens our souls.

Is this all to determine just how worthwhile we are, find out if we are made of the right stuff, to become their replacements? To take over as a guardian? A guardian, not for the gates of some heavenly place, but guardians of mankind here and now.

I may not be religious, but I do possess faith. I deeply believe that there is good in all. Although, sometimes I become saddened and disillusioned with my fellow man, thinking all hope in my brother is lost. Has their angel missed the nudge when they were swaying? Or are there certain judgment calls we must make all on our own? Whether they be good or not. Then something will happen to once again reinforce my belief that there is good in all. Call me optimistic but I can feel it to be so.

Yes, I believe in angels, and it makes me feel warm and comfy to know that ?My guardian angel, is watching over me.?
Re: I Believe In Angels.

i believe there are people on this earth that care for others, that don't look away when others need them. These people are true angels they go out of their way to that extra something that no one else would to bring help or healing to others or to keep others safe.
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