More threads by sociallyanxious

Well I'm 16 and well no one thinks anything is wrong at home heck even at school my psychology teachers don't seem to notice but I feel on edge all the time, I feel so isolated when my family goes out to shop or eat but I'm to nervous to leave the house in case I do something stupid and people start staring thinking I'm an idiot. I cant talk to people on the phone and this is straining relationships in my life and people think I'm hiding things from them because I never type/write in front of them. I can't sleep right because every single night my mind replays things that I feel I did poorly (presentation or talking with someone) or what I shouldn't have said or should have but they happened weeks, days, months even years ago and it gets so bad that I start rocking back and forth crying trying to make them stop or until i pass out it's come to points were my muscles spasm (legs/arms) during the flashbacks. I can't tell anyone in my life because I don't want them to think I'm insane or crazy...I just feel so close to losing it and I'm scared...I don't know what to do. I am able to talk to people at school in some cases but I can't relax and I blush so easily...I don't know I just feel like I'm drifting further away from people. Tonight I had a Karate meeting but I couldn't make my self enter the room because I was to afraid of what to say or of looking stupid...I just don't know how to control my anxiety and stop feeling like this...any advice and sorry for the long post...

Daniel E.
I can't tell anyone in my life because I don't want them to think I'm insane or crazy...
It is unlikely your parents would think that. There are lot of teenagers who are reluctant to confide their problems to either parent, but doing so can greatly help facilitate getting professional treatment like seeing a therapist.
Hi sociallyanxious
Welcome to Psychlinks,
I am glad you came here to say how you are feeling ,
I am very sorry you are feeling so locked in within yourself .
Have you always had this lack of self confidence and anxiety or is it fairly recent?
Is there a nurse at your school you could confide in ? Or your tutors.
Certainly if you are feeling such distress and isolation it would be a very good idea to confide to an adult you trust . There are treatments which could help you , therapy to help you overcome your shyness and social anxiety coupled with low dosage meds for a while to help the panic and anxiety feelings . If possible go to see your family Doctor .It is not a good idea to stay with this distres for too long .

my best wishes wp
Hi sociallyanxious I agree I think talking to your school councillor is a great start. Your parents will help you get the councilling you need as well Please don't go through this on your own help is out there and you will feel better letting someone know what you are going through. take care mary
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