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I wrote this review a couple years ago. I hope it's ok and appropriate to post it here.

I HATE YOU ? don?t leave me
by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus

This book presents an intelligent yet easy-to-read synopsis of Borderline Personality Disorder and many of the questions that surround this often misunderstood and misdiagnosed Axis II disorder.

If you or someone you know has been recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, this book will provide you with comprehensive information on living with Borderline Personality Disorder. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Where does it come from? Who is afflicted? How is it treated? What is the prognosis for recovery? Does medication help?

Borderline Personality Disorder has historically been difficult to describe, diagnose, and treat. Imagine living in a world of intense depression, sudden violent outbursts, self-destructive tendencies, an irrational fear of abandonment, over-sensitivity to real or imagined rejection, eating disorders, constant suicidal thoughts, and much more. This is what the often-daily life of a Borderline is like, and Dr. Jerold Kreisman, MD and Hal Straus will walk you through how to cope and live with Borderline Personality Disorder.

This book is written in such a way that it caters to both the lay person as well as the professional who is seeking a deeper understanding of Borderline Personality Disorder in order to more effectively work with a patient. Drawing on documented case studies, research data, diagnostic criteria from DSM-III (R), and his own experience in treating the Borderline, most readers will have a much better and more thorough understanding of how to live with, communicate with, and love the Borderline, whether it is themselves or someone they love.

Please note that this book was originally published in 1989, and it is both possible and highly probable that more current information has become available in the last 20 years. This book does, however, provide an excellent starting point and is highly readable. This book is not a substitute for qualified mental health assistance nor should it be used as a guide for self-diagnosis.
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