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Resident Canuck
When I first went off work, my EI (employment insurance) Sick pay was delayed a few weeks, which was fine.

The EI finished February 9th and my Union Sick pool credits kicked in at perfect time. The Union sick pool credits are supose to bridge me between when my EI finishes to when my Long Term starts.

Here is the problem. I had an appointment with my Psychiatrist today and he was going to fill in my forms for me to submit. Today was a Provincial holiday (Family Day) and he was going to work it, I confirmed last week. Unfortunetly his office building was locked, so he called today to cancel and reschedule my appointment for April 7th, as he is going to be away for a bit.

I know if my Psychiatrist could do anything to help, he would, but he is always booked solid.

My Union sick pool credits are a maxium of 7 weeks. The Long Term takes aproximately 6 weeks to start. If I could have had the forms done today, it would have worked out great, but April 7th is going to delay my claim up to possably June now.

My Psychiatrist had suggested maybe to have my GP fill them out, but for this they require a Psychiatrist.

I emailed my Human Resources office to ask for a contact at my insurance company so that I can inform them of the delay and that I will still be applying so they know.

Does anyone have suggestions as to what to do between the middle of March until June when I would get a decison?

I should be able to strech the payments I am getting now, as they are full pay until about mid April.

Has anyone else experienced this type of delay?

My company is actually quite compassionate in many ways (I am lucky) There was a situation where a part-timer got full-time and was diagnosed with Cancer and they pushed to get her benefits straigh away, instead of her waiting for her probation to be done. So she would be ok with the insurance paying for meds and other hospital expenses.

My employer may offer help, as they do have a questionair my Psychiatrist filled in for them. They do know I am under Psychiatrist's care. Keep your fingers crossed for me....

I did panic earlier about it, but I am starting to seek a solution and trying to keep positive, as aposed to freaking out now. :blush:

Thanks for any input ones can offer.


I did panic earlier about it, but I am starting to seek a solution and trying to keep positive,

I do not have any suggestions except that there must be a solution so I agree with keeping positive. Is it possible for your psychiatrist to fill out the forms without you having to actually be there so that you could pick them up before April 7th? :noidea: Mari


Hi NN;
I'm sorry you weren't able to get your forms done in time. I was wondering, would your psychiatrist be able to send you to another psychiatrist, his or her colleague so that they could fill out the form tomorrow? It's worth asking. And I'd make any and all other calls too...just to make sure your benefits don't get interrupted.


Resident Canuck
I had asked dropping them off, but he had said that even if I dropped them off, he couldn't actually fill them in, until my appointment, cause we have to talk about it as well, while he fills them in. It all makes sense to me, why he would want to see me to fill it in, when he explained it that way.

They ask about if rehabilitation is an option and such and I know he would want to know my comfort levels regarding that at this point. It is a 3 page question paper.

Even at that, there are things on the patient form I need to ask him about too. They ask if it is ok for them to contact me for a phone interview, which I want to ask him what he thinks of that. If I answer no, I have to explain why.

My Psychiatrist is awsome. Was even going to work on the holiday! Which I believe he may have overlooked when originally booking, but was willing to keep the appointments, it was just the office building wasn't open.

He knows I get forgetful sometimes about how much meds I have left and says "Well, if you find when you get home that you are low, just have the pharmacy fax me"

I am all good for meds, he is going to file my Clonasipam tomorrow.

I always keep it in mind, that although I am his patient, I am not his only patient. I never get angry, or mad cause I know if he did have another opening he would give it to me, no problem. He is always just solid booked and with his holidays coming up, it added a few extra weeks of waiting.

Truely I believe that everything works it self out eventually. I seem to always find a way to get through. I will with this as well :)

Thanks Mari for your response :)

Hi Lana. I am not sure if my Psychiatrist would be comfortable having someone else fill the forms in. On the forms they ask for the "synaps" called, I think. And asks about current and past treatments and stuff.

My Human Resources person is really nice. Hopefully she will get back to me tomorrow and let me know who to contact at the insurance company. Hopefully the insurance company might be helpful in offering me another option. My GP has another Psychiatric evaluation I had done from before. My employer has a questionair from my current Psychiatrist, so maybe that will do for them for the time being.


Resident Canuck

Human Resources replied to my email straight away. They say to have my Family Doctor fill in attending Psychian report and submit any consult reports along with form. Then I send other employee form too.

I then explain about delay in seeing Psychiatrist and that is what she suggests.

So I do that, I make appointment with GP for this week and send by priority mail to insurance this week.

Thank you everyone. I keep update on how it goes.

Daniel E.
They say to have my Family Doctor fill in attending Psychian report and submit any consult reports along with form.

As you may have considered already, it may help your GP if you provide him with a copy of the questionnaire the psychiatrist filled out earlier along with copies of your medical records from your psychiatrist (like the initial evaluation, if recent, along with office notes or consult reports).


Account Closed
Hi NN,

I know I'm late in the game here, but I'm happy you were able to sort it out. Crossing my fingers for you NN :hug:


Resident Canuck
I got an appointment with my Family Doctor today. I was so nervous and shaking. I hate to cause "drama", although my doctors never make me feel like I am "bugging" them.

I explained the situation to her and she said "no problem" to filling in the GP form. It also has on the form a "nervous or mental imparement" section. She also has to go through lab tests too, that state that it is not tyroid related and that there is no other health reason for my symtoms. She is very through.

I told her that she and my Psychiatrist always say how well I do. Even now that I am unable to work, this has been ongoing for 13 years and choronic for 5. I started crying today and told her, that without the great doctors I have, things could be really different. I told her, that I don't have to fight to "make" them believe me, like I do in the outside world. I always feel so thankful for that.

I left it with her and she said it should be ready by Monday. :)

Then I can mail it prority mail and they will have it Tuesday. My HR person said to also make a note about the scheduled appointment with my Psychiatrist. I usually also include a photo copy of my doctors business cards when submitting things.

I am feeling a lot better about things now, although very tired cause of stressing out a bit more than I should have, I guess.

Thanks again everyone for your support and suggestions :)
:airkiss::cool2: that's just great NN , thank you so much or the update ,
you must be feeling as if there is load of your shoulders now . take care now and do some cherishing of yourself :hug::hug:
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