My T showed me a letter that she had written to my new p-doc stating that I had Borderline Personality Disorder...I was confused when I first read it because I could of swore she told me that I didn't have it but that was also in the beginning of therapy with her...
"05" was the first time I had even heard BPD and my name mentioned together and that was overhearing my p-doc at that time talking to my ex T on the phone...I was furious with my ex T for never telling me because I had asked her several times and all she would say was she didn't believe in labels...All the confusion I felt from "98 to 05" from not understanding things my ex T had said and I didn't dare question her about them...
Than when I heard BPD I researched on the net the criteria and finally 7 years of not understanding it all made sense...Though knowing hit me really HARD because my ex T convinced me that everything I thought and did was wrong...K could be clingy and needy with me and I was looking at her behavior the wrong way...I was not allowed in any way shape or form to set a boundary with K because it was my thinking that was wrong and not K...Absolutely EVERYTHING I did or thought was wrong according to my ex T...
When I read the criteria and than joined a BPD forum it sunk me into an all time low...I thought, "My God it is me"...I starved myself for 6 months and tried to comitt suicide because I had my ex T getting more and more aggressive about everything that I did or thought was wrong...She would tell me she had to change my thinking...
When I read my current T's letter to my p-doc, I cried and cried hard because I don't want to have BPD...I don't want my ex T to be right and yet everytime I read the criteria I know it is...It makes me feel like something vile and I remember one author of a BPD book calling people with BPD, "parasites"...
When I first started therapy with my current T I said to her that I thought K was an undiagnosed BPD and my T comment was, "God Bless you for trying to live with someone with BPD"...That hurt...I've had several T's refuse to do therapy with me because of the stigma that is associated with BPD...
I try to work towards recovery but when an ex T pounds into your head that your bad and you read the criteria and a BPD forum, it truly makes it hard for me to not believe that I am scum...
Thats part of the reason why I feel like I don't fit in here, because of who I am...
Overcoming what my ex T did, is going to be one of the hardest battles in my life and my T is thinking about doing twice a week sessions because of the hallucinations, memory loss and going days without talking to anyone in 3-D or cyberspace...
I came so close of trying to comitt suicide the other day because I can't get my ex T's voice out of my head....RIMH
"05" was the first time I had even heard BPD and my name mentioned together and that was overhearing my p-doc at that time talking to my ex T on the phone...I was furious with my ex T for never telling me because I had asked her several times and all she would say was she didn't believe in labels...All the confusion I felt from "98 to 05" from not understanding things my ex T had said and I didn't dare question her about them...
Than when I heard BPD I researched on the net the criteria and finally 7 years of not understanding it all made sense...Though knowing hit me really HARD because my ex T convinced me that everything I thought and did was wrong...K could be clingy and needy with me and I was looking at her behavior the wrong way...I was not allowed in any way shape or form to set a boundary with K because it was my thinking that was wrong and not K...Absolutely EVERYTHING I did or thought was wrong according to my ex T...
When I read the criteria and than joined a BPD forum it sunk me into an all time low...I thought, "My God it is me"...I starved myself for 6 months and tried to comitt suicide because I had my ex T getting more and more aggressive about everything that I did or thought was wrong...She would tell me she had to change my thinking...
When I read my current T's letter to my p-doc, I cried and cried hard because I don't want to have BPD...I don't want my ex T to be right and yet everytime I read the criteria I know it is...It makes me feel like something vile and I remember one author of a BPD book calling people with BPD, "parasites"...
When I first started therapy with my current T I said to her that I thought K was an undiagnosed BPD and my T comment was, "God Bless you for trying to live with someone with BPD"...That hurt...I've had several T's refuse to do therapy with me because of the stigma that is associated with BPD...
I try to work towards recovery but when an ex T pounds into your head that your bad and you read the criteria and a BPD forum, it truly makes it hard for me to not believe that I am scum...
Thats part of the reason why I feel like I don't fit in here, because of who I am...
Overcoming what my ex T did, is going to be one of the hardest battles in my life and my T is thinking about doing twice a week sessions because of the hallucinations, memory loss and going days without talking to anyone in 3-D or cyberspace...
I came so close of trying to comitt suicide the other day because I can't get my ex T's voice out of my head....RIMH