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I have mentioned this to two therapists without getting any good answer to what this is about.

First I can tell you that I feel some people can read my mind. I also have the "ability" to feel the emotional pain other's are suffering. At worst I got thoughts of suicide because the person that I feel connected to are having it. I have to work on handling many people inside me at the same time. So far I've dealt with only one at a time. I don't know how many I could handle.

But my unusual problem is that I really really want to hear voices or see things that are not there. This started last year where I just suddenly became obsessed with the idea of having hallucinations. I started watching videos about people with hallucinations and they made my cry and hitting myself because I was both sad and angry at myself for not having this ability. I think people who have such hallucinations are more fascinating than normal people, and I really want to become one myself. I really don't want to be just normal.

Sometimes I stay awake for a couple of nights hoping to get it. Sometimes I don't take my meds (because I know my meds prevent psychotic symptoms). Which is good because I hate being paranoid, but it prevents me for getting hallucinations.

This is really shameful and it's not meant to be an insult to those who are suffering from hallucinations. I know it's not any fun, but I am so wicked that I want to suffer. Maybe its about a damaged self-image or something. I dunno. At worst I think of this all day long, and it makes it difficult to be a work, or meet people. It's wicked, I know.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------

I would highly appreciate if Dr. Baxter would give his views on this issue. It might be viewed as ridiculous and even provocative, but for me it's a real problem.



I am sure Dr. Baxter will respond to your post as soon as he has a chance. Because the Forum is operated on a volunteer basis, replies can sometimes take a few days.

Please continue to check back and you should have a response shortly.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes. I have a lot going on at the moment but I'll try to respond when I get a chance. A couple of points to start:

I also have the "ability" to feel the emotional pain other's are suffering.

Many people have this ability. It's called empathy and perspective taking. It's nothing to worry about although sometimes it takes time to learn how to develop a healthy degree of detachment to protect yourself.

Sometimes I don't take my meds (because I know my meds prevent psychotic symptoms). Which is good because I hate being paranoid, but it prevents me for getting hallucinations.

Can you tell me what medications you're taking?


Thanks for your reply.

I know most people have empathy. But for me it is like I'm taking other's pain so they can suffer less. It's like I am a storage box for some people's pain. At the moment there's noone inside me.

I'm on Seroquel.

---------- Post added at 03:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

I should also mention that I've read about M?nchausen, but i'm not convinced. Cause I have never acted sick. I would never pretend to have hallucinations to get more care or attention. For me it's like I want the "real thing". So is it like a wicked obsession? I'm often depressed because I can't provoke hallucinations myself.



this has now become more extreme. I'm sitting here crying because I can't hear any voices. Haven't taken my meds since they are AP and would prevent voices. I get so angry. I hate it.
OH hun please take you medication ok the medication is needed to make you feel better emotionally Take your medication and talk to your doctor soon ok hugs


OK, I've taken it now.

I haven't found any articles about this issue, but I did find two different posts on other forums about wanting to hear voices. So although it seems to be a rare problem I guess i'm not the only one.
Thanks hun for taking you medication i am glad you found the2 post so you know that you are not alone with these feelings Just remember to keep taking your meds ok and talk to your doctor soon


Have been awake for 1 day now, and thinking about one more. Didn't take my meds yesterday, so I feel quite unstable. I'm so incredible angry and sad at the same time, about myself, about society, about life. And I'm nobody. I don't want to be normal. And I'm too paranoid to explain it all. It sucks.


It's not just about life, though. It's about quality of life. And nin your case, your medications help improve that.

Yes, thats true. I'll get over it I guess, and will consider taking the meds. I'm e-mailing Human Rights Watch now though, to try to change the world.
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