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I Started SH when I was 14 and In the last 2 years I have been trying my best to stop. I don't know why it should be so hard for me if I want to stop I should just be able to. Well I go for a couple days or a couple weeks or a few times even a couple months without and then I mess it all up and have to start over again. It is frustrating when I am finally getting there and then something happens that triggers me and I find myself doing it again. This time I almost made it to 4 months and I just don't know what happened. My fiance believes I have depression and maybe he is right but I don't know what to do to fix that. People have suggested therapists or something of that sort but I have a fear of them so that's useless I just don't know what to do anymore nothing seems to work for me.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Perhaps it's time to listen to your boyfriend's advice and seek the advice of a qualified therapist, since your other options have failed.


I agree with David, Asuha. I used to SH as well and I know how strong those urges can get. It is very much an addictive behaviour. Seeking out a therapist for the first time can be scary but I think you will find the support you receive to overcome this will be invaluable.
Hi Asuha it took me a long time to trust enough to get enough courage to get help hun I hope you do it is worth it you are worth the fight hun. I can tell you the fear you are feeling don't let it take away a avenue of help ok Once you establish a trust with a therapist that fear will go away hun it will
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