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where would you go?

I have about four places.

Greece. I don't know why. The pictures just look so appealing. Blue water, blue skies, cute little buildings scattered around.

Prince Edward Island. Anne of Green Gables books of course. :)

Mount Rushmore/The Badlands. Just always wanted to go there.

Hawaii. The ocean all around. Love the ocean. It's probably not as romantic as I think it is, but I think it would be neat to go there.
Oh, Ireland. I hadn't thought about Ireland. I'd like to go there too. I'm not sure about Iceland. It seems like it would be cold all the time. I wonder what it's really like. Interesting. :)


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I don't have a nordic bone in my body but I am drawn to the culture.
But I Irish blood running through me and would love to visit one day.


MVP, Forum Supporter
:) Wish I could get to Australia and see a koala bear , would beat those rascally racoons that get into the garbage bins around here every night.
Hee hee. Australia sounds cool. Koala bears definitely sound cool. They are so cute. We get possums in our garbage cans. I always scream when I see them. I can't help it. LOL. It's like this giant rat staring at you. Not that there's anything wrong with rats. My sister has pet rats. :) :)


The only place I ever wanted to go was Peru, and I went there last year. Next year I'm going to China. It was never on my list of places to go, but since the opportunity came up, I figured I may as well. After that, I don't know...Spain would be nice, and I'd like to go back to South America, maybe to Columbia or Brazil.

Janet - PEI is absolutely beautiful! I went to Anne of Green Gables two years and loved every drop of it! It was fantastic. I hope you get to go one day.
The only place I ever wanted to go was Peru, and I went there last year. Next year I'm going to China. It was never on my list of places to go, but since the opportunity came up, I figured I may as well. After that, I don't know...Spain would be nice, and I'd like to go back to South America, maybe to Columbia or Brazil.

Wow, you've traveled a lot. I've never been out of the states. I've been to several states, California, Maine, Texas and several others, but never out of them.

Janet - PEI is absolutely beautiful! I went to Anne of Green Gables two years and loved every drop of it! It was fantastic. I hope you get to go one day.
I would LOVE to go and take my mom. I think she and I would absolutely love it.


I lived in both Costa Rica and Panama for a number of years and my next stop will either be Ecuador or Nicaragua.

A mi me gusta Centro America


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Your lucky Gene. :) Actually South America is a place I would like to travel to and around. I am not one to go to touristy places.


Your lucky Gene. :) Actually South America is a place I would like to travel to and around. I am not one to go to touristy places.

I'm not the touristy type either, I like to meet and befriend the locals, heck of a great experience (plus you get to learn the language).

I do have a few pictures posted in my profile's album (more to come).




I wouldn't say I've travelled alot - I've been to Texas (Houston and Galveston areas), PEI, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Peru, and Bahamas. That's about it...not a big traveller. It would have been so much more affordable to travel when I worked for an airline, but I didn't, so now that I'm self employed (and considerably poorer) I'm taking the trips...oh well...not everything in life needs to happen in order ;)

Next year I will do China, and that will be it for a couple years probably.


Just the countryside. Away from the city. Wales maybe, where my Grandparents lived. Peaceful. Mountains. Space.

Thing is, I don't get holidays any more, and being away from home makes me anxious. But I can dream. :)


For me it would be in no particular order:

Las Vegas (been twice already and can't wait to go back)
Dominican Republic (been 6 times and going again)
New York City

Actually just make it anywhere but here :D


Someplace cooler than right now - not cold - just a bit cooler. I would like to see New York although it is probably just as hot there right now. I can not go anywhere right now as the government messed up my passport papers and refuse to do anything unless I can prove that I was born!!!!!! :hissyfit: Mari
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