More threads by Cat Dancer


Someplace cooler than right now - not cold - just a bit cooler. I would like to see New York although it is probably just as hot there right now. I can not go anywhere right now as the government messed up my passport papers and refuse to do anything unless I can prove that I was born!!!!!! :hissyfit: Mari

You'd really love Boquete, Panama. It's up in the mountains (3500 ft. altitude) and is comfortable all year round. Daytime temperature is around 75-80 and falls to 65-70 when the sun goes down. Also, the cost of living is about 35% of what it is in North America (ie: full-course meal in a local (not a tourist trap) restaurant will cost you around $2.



MVP, Forum Supporter
Actually I would like to see Ottawa since some of you on the forum live there. It seems really pretty and I would like to skate on the Rideau Canal. The other hope I have is to go whale watching some where. Oh yes, and I would love to see the Polar Bears in Churchill, Manitoba. You get really close to them in one of those tundra buggies.

Hmmm, you got me thinking you guys. I have been a little sick for awhile now, once I get the green light and I have some money saved up I am definitely going to do one of those things. I hate putting things off, might as well do these things now when I can.
I would love to go to Russia, Sibera and poland on the Trans-Siberian Express, the reason being many years ago David Bowie did a documentary on our TV about this and I have never forgotton it. Also would love to visit some friends I have made online in the USA and Canada too! Got to keep doing that lottery then it could happen:)


I've been to a few places, but because I love travel, I'd love to explore more. In my lifetime, I've been to:
Ukraine (born there)
Toronto (live in around here)
Mexico (Acapulco, Ixtapa)
Dominican Republic
Alberta (Calgary, Lethbridge -- got my first tattoo there)
visited BC briefly (mostly to gawk at the mountains)
Indiana, Illinois
Atlanta, Georgia (saw panda bears there :) )
Germany, Stutegart
Switzerland, Zurich
France, Stratfort (great food)
Washington, VA (saw the White House and House of Congress -- it's huge!)
Tennessee (Nashville, and stayed in the cabin in the mountains near Pigeon Forge -- beautiful!!)
Myrtle Beach, NC (several times)
Aruba (nice!)
Niagara Falls (but it's close by so not sure if it qualifies :) )

There are still so many places I'd love to visit. Spain may be next on the list. My girlfriend just moved there (her husband's job moved them) and she wants to to come and visit.
wow....long list. I didn't think it would be that long. :D


I've already been to so many cool places over the years

New Zealand

I am now in NZ for the second time in a year on a working holiday, this is the best place I have ever been and we want to live here!

Don't at the moment really want to go anywhere else, cos everywhere looks like NZ now, lol:yahoo:
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