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I don't know what happened. I just got rally triggered by something and now I have to injure. I just have to do's so strong right now, I'm trying to fight but it's just so strong....I just quit smoking last night and I feel like its either injure or smoke. I'd much rather injure than smoke. It's injury that I need/ I'm trying to fight this so hard. I even emailed my therapist and told her how strong it is right now. I didn't injure at all for a week and one day now. I'm panicked, how could I go that long without it??? These feelings are just so automatic when something upsets me. I need it so bad :( I am so bad.:(


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sometimes, finding something to distract helps. Can you watch a video or a movie? It's a little early in the morning to go out, but I've also found going for a little walk helps make that urge pass. It's a little like quitting just let the urge go by minutes sometimes. ;) Maybe listen to a song that you really like?


:( i smoked :(:( but it was the last cigarette and im NOT going to buy didnt help with the SI impulse though....i am trying to distract myself online and its helping some. i used to have a big list of thiongs that worked to distract, but they dont seem to work anymore......i could just feel myself doing it before and that has lessened now some.......thank you so much for your help and support. i was triggered by something i read on this board.


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i'm happy you were able to manage it. just a suggestion - there may be threads here that you may not want to look at to avoid possible triggers. I always check the category before enterintg certain threads....
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