More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Dennis P. Lewis: March 11, 1972 - April 4, 2006

I learned this morning of the passing of a young man I admired but never met: Dennis Lewis of Iowa.

Some of you know that I am a co-owner of another forum - The Band of Gonzos Webmasters Forum. Dennis was a young man who became one of our charter members (using the member name wclew) when we launched that forum in March 2004, and in due course we christened him with the special nickname, Little Bogger. I don't know the details of the chronic health issues with which Dennis struggled during the course of his life but I believe he was confined to a wheelchair. This may have restricted his mobility but it certainly didn't restrict his enthusiasm for life, his humor, or his love for his country, his family, his friends, and humanity.

He frequently sent little jokes, affirmations, words of wisdom or hope, etc., to an email list he had constructed which he titled "To Someone Who Is Important To Me" - periodically, one or two or three of those would appear in my Inbox and I always knew it would be something to brighten my day.

I never met Dennis in person and that's something I regret. He was a remarkable young man with a big heart and an attitude the rest of us should try to emulate. I will miss him.

Good Night, Little Bogger. Rest easy. You made an impact on the world greater than you knew. I will remember you.


Re: In Memorium

Sorry to hear you lost one of your friends David.

the Piece above is a Lovely tribute to him.

(don't know what else to say)


Re: In Memorium

:( Oh Dr. B I am so sorry for the loss of your good friend. He sounds like a really special person who left a really important legacy. I'm sure you and all the other people whose lives he he has touched will do a very good job of keeping that legacy alive.
Again I'm really really sorry...he looks like super nice guy in the picture. If there's anything any of us can do just say so.
Take care


Re: In Memorium

Every second, a soul goes and another one its one may think: this is the way things are going.but what makes a difference?...there must be one.we are so fragile, our phisical presence is so ephemeral...
I think memories make a difference.

sorry for your loss dr. Baxter

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: In Memorium

I really do appreciate the sentiments, everyone, and I sincerely hope no one is offended by what I'm about to say.

But this isn't about me and I don't want it to be about me. It's about Dennis Lewis. I just wanted to do something to commemorate him and since I knew him only in forums this seemed to be an appropriate way to do it.

(The Band of Gonzos forum is down - main and backup servers both failed at the same time on Sunday. Maybe that was a sign of something...)


Re: In Memorium

I am sorry to hear about your loss Dr. B. and I know that you said it wasn't about you but I couldn't help not saying that. Dennis and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.



Re: In Memorium

"How did he die?"
"I won't tell you how he died. But I will tell you how he lived"
-- The Last Samurai

Those who knew Dennis, through forums or in real life, were fortunate. His passing, though sad, is a great reminder that there are other fine people that surround us every day. Celebrate his life and discover others, like Dennis, around you.


Re: In Memorium

Sleep well, Little Bogger. You were appreciated in life, and you will be remembered by those whose lives you touched.

May the winds be always at your back.

Daniel E.
Re: In Memoriam

Terrible news.? ?Some music lyrics I was listening to today are all too meaningful now:

Take all of what I have to give
'cause everyone dies in April
and everything ends in Spring.

("Everything Ends," American Analog Set)


Re: In Memoriam

I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and his family and friends.


Re: In Memoriam

My condolences for the loss of your friend, David.? ?Our participation in forums allows us to form relationships with friends that are as enduring as those formed in person, so the loss is as sad as losing a friend we know in person.

The memories endure once the sadness has passed.



In celebration and appreciation of Dennis Lewis's life and the spirit he spread in others (even physical immobility can't contain the expressing spirit reaching out and touching! He was a thriver, obviously and tucked some spirit via cyberspace ... I love people like him! ;) )


Sorry about the loss of Dennis a fellow forum friend, it sounds like he was truly a special person.
Rest in peace Dennis P. Lewis, your a guardian angel in my eyes.
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