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Re: Fluttering in ears

We have a winner! :beer2:
Thanks Daniel. It's good to know my ear drum isn't going to blow or something. :goodjob:

Can you put your uvula over the tip of your tongue like that guy on the first link?

:lol:...The things you make me do...I went and looked at the picture. :yuk:


Re: Fluttering in ears

How long has it been going on STP? I think i would give it a bit of time before I worried much about it.

As "Doctor Dude" teehee, says,,,,may just be brought on by fatigue. Unless you like hanging out at the Doctors office, with the noisy kids, the last year magazines, soap operas on TV? Better things to do with my time :D.

Your call.


Re: Fluttering in ears

It's been going on for years. I just have always wondered about it and no one ever knew what I was talking about. It has been happening more lately so I thoughh I would ask.

{edited to represent author's intent} I would be insane to be in a waiting room full of screaming kids..
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Re: Fluttering in ears

As "Doctor Dude" teehee, says,,,,may just be brought on by fatigue.

Your call.

- was throwing in a tease about David Baxter, some one had previously referred to him as such and I found it humourous.

And I don't particularily like going to the doctors, so if it ain't hurting me, or I am not bleeding tooo badly, I don't go.

But also, its your call.


Account Closed
Re: Fluttering in ears

Actually, STP was agreeing with you UM :). She also finds it insane to be in those waiting rooms. :)

Daniel E.
Re: Fluttering in ears

You can rule out fatigue by taking a 1-month vacation to an island of your choice :teehee:


Re: Fluttering in ears

33 second mark. It's his thing. You totally want to learn it. Just think how cool you would be going to the grocery store. You could flip the lip, everyone would be like "Cool, did you see that guy with his stylin' Billy Idol lip flip?"

YouTube - Billy Idol - Rebel Yell


Re: Fluttering in ears

Unless Billy Idol started doing it right when he was born and Elvis met him and was like "Ya! That lip move makes me shake in my blue suede shoes!" *snag*

Elvis was 20 years older actually, so I guess it was his first.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Fluttering in ears

Elvis probably stole it from Pee Wee Herman...

"Oh, everything is stolen today. Why a fax machine is nothing but a waffle maker with a phone attached!" ~ Grampa Simpson


Re: Fluttering in ears

lol What the? Didn't he get busted for doing some indecent things in public?

Paul Ruebens not Elvis.:blush:
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