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Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Isn't "soy" some kind of processed food. :yuck:? :) That has to be human "engineering" at play. :)

Addendum..What can I say Daniel, I'm a foodie? :) I have used soy in the past, I'm just a smidge cynical because of my research on the regulations about soy. :eek:

Sorry .


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Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Whew.. :)

I used to eat a lot of soy products. I just know that in Canada, it isn't regulated. So now, I just resort to more 'regulated' products...:)


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Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

:p... No. :D

Soy products are not regulated in Canada. So, you don't know what's in it...I'll find the research again...And I'll post. But, In Canada at least, "it ain't healthy". :)

Daniel E.
Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

In Canada at least, "it ain't healthy"

Just drive to the U.S. border and try to smuggle it in :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Yes, it is a known allergen but not as bad as peanuts. :)

They make and sell soy baby formula and that's definitely regulated by Health Canada. Curiuously, I think one of the ways they promote it is to suggest it might help prevent milk allergies. :)


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Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Hmm... At the risk of sounding "really" cynical...I'd rather gather my own information about what measures my government is taking to 'protect' what I ingest. :)

I know that nowadays there are so many 'promises'. In fact, just recently my own doctor recommended B complex vitamins (and I don't disagree where my particular circumstances are concerned). I just think that now, in this day and age, ( and I know that you agree on this point Daniel), the consumer has to take some responsibility, do the research in a world of "buyer beware"..At the end of the day, we are all accountable for own health...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Fair enough. I think any sentient being needs to be vigilant and not leave it in the hands of bureaucrats.

I'm just saying it's not like a lot of the crap the health food and naturopathy/homeopathy places sell. I have never understood why they are not subject to the same regulation as grocery stores and farmers, and, in the case of claims about health benefits, why the onus is not on them to prove their claims as with pharmaceuticals.


Account Closed
Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Me too...That is currently changing in Canadian law. But, we aren't there yet. :)


Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Haha deal! The first time i tried to cook tofu i managed to stuff it up. It took me a few years before i tried it again and actually liked it.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Soy chocolate, soy coffee, and other ways to enjoy soy

Mmmmm... oh yeah.... nothing like skimming off the scum from the surface of a pot of boiling bean sprouts and using it in place of real food... how could anyone not find a waste product yummy? :panic:
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