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Crazy Cat

I'm not sure I'm in the right area for this post but since it was an anger issue, I'll pose it here for any advice.

Without getting too lengthy, here's the scenario:

I was trying to talk to one of my sisters today about an issue with my Mom's estate. A little background - this sister wants as much money as she can get - and has told other family members this. The majority of us (there are 8 of us) want another sister to get the house, sell her house and we'd split the proceeds of that house - even though it wouldn't sell for as much as Mom's house would.

I tried explaining to my sister about the major repairs the house needs to be put on the market, the market in general and that my other sister would take the house "as-is". On and on.

So anyway, the one I was talking to kept repeating over and over again how she wants the most money from my Mom's house, not the other house, etc. I (nicely) gave her my opinion that it isn't our money and never was, to which she almost had a coronary.

Long story short - after her talking about the money (which would only be a difference of maybe $5000 less than with Mom's house - probably even less than that), I said that it seemed to me that she was just waiting for Mom to die to get her hands on the money. Harsh? yeah, but that is exactly the message I was getting from her.

Her reaction was to SCREAM and I mean SCREAM at me, :hissyfit: scream at another sister who had nothing to do with it, storming out saying she's never coming back, etc. I should say she is 57 years old. I'm 45. I did not once raise my voice. I said I was trying to do the right thing, the thing our parents would want. My would have thought I burnt down the vatican the way she was screaming! I have never in my life seen anyone act like that. Even the other sisters who were there said if I said something that harsh to them, they'd be angry, but they wouldn't react like a lunatic.

Now, my question is this: does her reaction tell a story she doesn't want to reveal?? I've heard that when you say something that makes another person cry (in normal conversation), you've hit the nail on the head and its the truth. Or does it mean she's got anger issues? She used to be an alcoholic and I know she's drinking again.

Sorry for the long post. Its 5am, I'm still shaken up by this whole thing, but I don't regret what I said. I regret it had to happen in Mom's house. :hair:


I think you are spot on in your assessment of your sister and her mind-set. Also, from the details you give (she was/is an alcoholic, and is drinking again). Don't expect too much in the line of stable or sane reactions from someone like that. And no, you were not harsh. You quite correctly set a boundary, and yes, you did hit the nail on the head. You use the phrase "reacted like a lunatic". Well that just says it, doesn't it.
Remain firm, and don't let her get you down.



Account Closed
Now, my question is this: does her reaction tell a story she doesn't want to reveal?? I've heard that when you say something that makes another person cry (in normal conversation), you've hit the nail on the head and its the truth. Or does it mean she's got anger issues? She used to be an alcoholic and I know she's drinking again.
Or, she's really angry and frustrated at not getting more money? Or, she's still grieving your mother's death (and your statement really hurt her)? There are so many reasons why people get angry. It's a release of emotions. But, I don't think that it should be generalized to you're having 'figured her out' so to speak.

At the end of the day, I'm sorry that her tantrum affected you. I understand your reaction to it though. At the end of the day, you all have to proceed with the best plan of action. If this sister isn't happy, that's something she's going to have to deal with, anger and all, whether or not she is drinking.

Dealing with an estate is ugly at the best of times because people's emotions get caught up in it. I hope that you can all do this in a way that brings some peace to all of you. :support:

Crazy Cat

Thanks for the answers, or even lack of answers. Of course, no one knows why my sister reacted the way she did, but in knowing her & her actions (being her sister & all), I know she's a total drama queen.

I failed to include that this sister did the exact same thing to another sister over a stupid wind-chimey thing at my Mom's house. Screamed like a lunatic at the other sister saying that she's always hated her, etc., etc.

So seems it was the same reaction to a piece of wood and a comment about my Mom's passing. Hmmmmm.

Yes, this estate business is hard and even harder with 8 heirs. Harder yet when 3 or 4 of them are looking for "pay-day".

The sister in question, AM, has always been a trouble-maker in the family. She ended up talking my parents out of having yet another sister, N, be executrix because she doesn't like "N". When I was 18 I was engaged and my mom gave me her original wedding band. She was going to hold onto it until "the big day". Sister AM had a FIT! Said my mom promised it to her, yadda, yadda, yadda. Told a completely made-up story to other people in the family. I remember my Mom even saying that she was already married and had a ring, what did she need another one for?

Not to make this a long post - but this is rich......
I had given my Mom two porcelain dolls for Christmas one year. They were over $100 at the time and everyone said the girl doll looked like "AM's" daughter. So "AM" made it her lifes ambition to get these dolls from my mother.

She called me at work one day and said that my Mom said she can have the dolls if its okay with me. Now, I knew my Mom and I knew she would never give away a present she got from someone else. Plus, Mom collected dolls. So I told "AM" I'd have to think about it. I immediately called my Mom and asked her if this was true. Of course, it was news to her and she said she hadn't spoken to "AM" in weeks.

So, AM would have told my Mom that I said it was okay to give her the dolls that I gave my mom as a present and make me look like an ass.

By the way....since Mom died, I now have the dolls. I was going to give them to her but now I don't know. Her daughter is pregnant and even though I have no contact with her I may send her the dolls when she has the babies (twins).

Anyway, I'm on disability for my (many) mental issues and I'm the crazy one????

Final note: My Mom's wedding ring was given to me by my sister "S" (executrix) on Sunday. I cried. I cry when I even think about it and looking at it I cry more. Mom wanted to give me the ring at one time, but I didn't want it this way. Not because she died. (Thanks to AM) But I ended up not marrying the guy anyway and married a guy my parents didn't like so I wouldn't have gotten the ring anyway. :lol:


Hello Crazy Cat:

You most certainly do not sound "crazy". Indeed you sound very practical and centred about this unfortunate business, unlike your drama-rama sister. I think drama queen is a very charitable way of describing her.

Take care
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