More threads by forgetmenot

maybe you're throwing yourself away, mary. those are your thoughts in your head that you aren't good enough, smart enough, that everything is your fault. those aren't ours. :support:
You don't understand Jazzey. Its me. Everyone throws me away in the end. Its me, I'm not smart enough, not good enough, i screw up and its my fault :(

Mary ,
I am so sorry you have this distorted image of yourself . Take a little step back and try to see yourself from another angle .
I see how your posts here have moved the members by your courage and determination to get better .
I read all the supportive and respectful responses that your threads have recieved .

No one judges any one here , and certainly no one is going to throw you away , you are a valuable member of this forum.
It is not possible to be "perfect" it is perhaps this unrealistic goal , which impairs you to have a true and kinder appreciation of yourself .

At times we are so convinced that we are stupid , etc , that we are deaf and blind to any positive feedback we are recieving .

Throw that old distorting mirror away and buy yourself a new one which reflects back that bright ,kind , supportive , sensitive and caring Mary, that you truly are .

My very best wishes wp:hug:
Thank you White Page for you kind comments. They are just feelings that i have not been able to let go of from my past. My fears i know are unwarranted and someday i hope to get rid of them. I have alot of issues to work through but my main concern will always be my daughter somehow i have to get her well and strong enough to move on away from me. I am tired White Page so tired but everyone here is suffering and i hope and pray that we all find peace someday. Take Care White Page you are a very strong support here for everyone. mary


I find it very hard talking with my daughter's psychiatrist. He is very tall and intimidating. I just feel very small and inferior.

If it's any consolation, I also have trouble when someone I have to deal with is tall or of large build, especially if that person can be construed in any way to be an authority figure. I recently had an employer who, though he had eventually landed in Performing Arts, had been a football quarterback in high school. He was a good four inches taller than me, and much larger and stronger. I naturally found him much more intimidating than a smaller employer would have been.

So I don't think your trepidation is that uncommon or unnatural. I think you just have to recognize it for what it is, and as you do so, it will lose its power.
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