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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
iPhone 4, 4S Battery Killed by iOS 6, Users Complain
by Brandon Dimmel
October 2, 2012

One of the major attractions of the new iPhone 5 is its brand new mobile operating system (OS): iOS 6. However, it appears when it developed the new OS Apple may have forgotten about users of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.

Users of those devices are insisting their iPhone's battery drains very quickly after upgrading from iOS 5.

It remains unclear what is causing the excessive battery drainage. Early reports had pointed to Apple's new and much-maligned mapping service.

However, iPhone 4 and 4S users who haven't even installed that application now report having the same battery problems as users who have installed it.

Batteries Completely Drained in A Few Hours
Apple's discussion boards have lit up with complaints since iOS 6 first became available a few weeks ago.

"Used my 4S the same as every other work day," said user Only1jb. "Usually come home with about 60 percent [charge remaining]. Came home today with 17 percent."

Apple iPhone user John Smith 1882 complained his device had gone from 100 per cent charge to completely dead in just four hours. He says that during that time he didn't make a single call, use global positioning system (GPS) applications, or even browse the Internet.

Some users report having to carry around multiple batteries just to ensure their smartphone lasts a full day. (Source:

There have been many Apple user forum threads created to discuss iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S iOS 6 battery drainage. At this time, several have hundreds of responses. Clearly, this issue is affecting many iPhone 4 and 4S users.

Apple CEO Apologizes for Maps Debacle
Apple has not yet commented on the battery problem.

However, the firm did recently apologize to iPhone users for the shoddy service provided by its new mapping application, which as reported last week was showing towns and cities miles from their actual locations.

"We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better," noted Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook in a letter posted to the firm's website. (Source: "Everything we do at Apple is aimed at making our products the best in the world. We know that you expect that from us, and we will keep working non-stop until Maps lives up to the same incredibly high standard."
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