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Im not sure if this is normal or not but Ive been seeing a psychologist for the past year or so discussing two main things...Add and depression. Heres what Im noticing...

-Our "hour" sessions only last 45 - 50 minutes. He usually starts late due to a lunch break or bathroom break. I dont care too much because its covered under my insurance and I dont ever feel like "If only I had 10 more minutes with him..."

-I am terribly quiet,shy,dull,nervouse etc... so I dont say too much. He likes me and I like him but he always has to pull stuff out of my head and when he does he doesnt get much.

-He has given me next to no strategies to combat either ADD or depression. He has given me some but they usually boil down to "Your depressed/cant concentrate because your life is at a standstill. Your not accomplishing much so you have to start doing things." I dont know if this "simplicity" is a strategy or not.

- He will go off on 5 minute tangets talking about his trip to India/China/Europe etc... Its almost like my 50 minute session is really a 40 minute session because he doesnt focus on the task at hand.

What do you think? Is this normal or not?
typically a session lasts 50 minutes with you, and the last 10 minutes the therapist will use to make notes about the session in your file. so that in itself is fine.

-He has given me next to no strategies to combat either ADD or depression. He has given me some but they usually boil down to "Your depressed/cant concentrate because your life is at a standstill. Your not accomplishing much so you have to start doing things." I dont know if this "simplicity" is a strategy or not.
this concerns me. if you have been with him for a year and you haven't been improving, then i am wondering about the effectiveness of his approach with you.

you do have to start doing things, but is he helping you get there? have you done any cognitive behavioural therapy at all? (cbt)

- He will go off on 5 minute tangets talking about his trip to India/China/Europe etc... Its almost like my 50 minute session is really a 40 minute session because he doesnt focus on the task at hand.
what kind of tangents are these? is he really talking to hear himself talk?



Sessions with psychologists work best when client works with him or her. If the client has nothing to say or add, then he or she is not helping himself or herself. In your case, your silence is not doing you service.

I think your therapist, by telling you about his trips and such, is trying to establish a rapport and develop a relationship where you talk freely with him. When you begin to do that, you will find that he will have more to offer in terms of treatment, coping methods, and strategies. It is hard to build those on nothing.

So, in short, if you want results, you will have to do your part and talk. If you are not comfortable with your current psychologist, then again, it would be up to you to find another that you're more comfortable with and can talk to. Psychology is all about talk therapy. If you're not doing your part, it doesn't necessarily reflects badly on the psychologist, but it will affect you in the end.

Also, insurance funds are not limitless. So if you have no intention of talking, I'd say save the benefits until you are ready and willing.



I agree with Lana...the therapist isn't there to do the work for you,but to help you find strategies in coping with the depression, and in order to do that,you have to start opening up.

If you are having trouble starting,start simple by talking about what happened to you on that particular day,what you saw,what you felt etc..


Another suggestion may be to write down what you are thinking and feeling or what you want to talk about and bring it in with you to your appointment or if you can email it to your therapist beforehand. I know that I do this on a regular basis as I usually have lots going on in my head but when I arrive at an appointment I shut down.
Another suggestion may be to write down what you are thinking and feeling or what you want to talk about and bring it in with you to your appointment or if you can email it to your therapist beforehand. I know that I do this on a regular basis as I usually have lots going on in my head but when I arrive at an appointment I shut down.

Thats a great idea. That described me perfectly.
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